I Played Magnus Carlsen

I played against Magnus Carlsen (current world chess champion) at the Retiro Park in Madrid, Spain! This was the game, hope you enjoy 🙂

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0:00-0:21 Intro
0:21-6:34 Game against Magnus

#annacramling #chess #magnuscarlsen

%1$ Comments900

    You could have still won. Next time kill him and make his moves.

    She could've forked him with the knight but i guess my puny 1200 Elo brain can't comprehend theyr goals

    after he said there's a mate I wish Anna played pawn to g6. I'm a complete noob and she was just playing too fast i think so not sure if that wouldn't have worked

    4:24 Still trying to understand why you didn't play horse to make check and take his tower?

    Hard to keep your mind on chess sitting across the board from a gorgeous girl.

    “Wanna say hi to stream?!”


    This man just gets it

    I don’t play chess but, this was fascinating to watch.

    Why doenst she put the knight to e2 to check and then take his rogue?

    I don't get the timing in a chess game. What is it used for? Or is that even a timer?

    He can't see the camera, but he can see the checkmates in 34 moves

    She should have used Bonetties defense against him works every time.

    You had horse E 2 for so long

    Wow she tried. Had to slow it down to catch up because they play so fast! Her dang knight and the rook! There was a place she could have gone. He tried to give her hints. Great game!

    The moment he told her there was a strategy she couldn't see, she became unsicure and basically stopped playing

    палмахан ибрайханов says:

    Why horse didn’t go f2?

    I love how Magnus is not stupidly good that he coaches his opponents and still wins. I don't get how people move so quickly though

    Chess has never been my strong suit, so I never gave much attention to it. Even though I've always wanted to get better. That said, never have I ever enjoyed watching a Chess match, until right meow

    He got a draw with kasparov when he was like 11 yrs old

    When he said think tactics she leaned forward and I thought she's just showing her cleavage that's a pretty good tactic it would have worked on me

    This Magnus guy should go pro. Really good.

    this is so fun to watch. I accidentally watched one chess video, and now I've been watching chess for the past 3-days

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