I Shouldn’t Have Underestimated Him…

This is the recap of round 4 of the chess tournament I’m playing in – Reykjavik Open. In this round I played a 1600 rated player I completely underestimated. Hope you enjoy the video!

Link to the game:

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments422

    Anna, you are my "chess hero"!! Good luck. I wish you the best.

    Totally loved this video. Your commentary was so relatable. I'm so rooting for you.

    Love how you see Eric Rosen in the background the entire video as a foreshadowing and then at the end Anna reveals he's her next opponent.

    🗽Very good strategy… waiting on the plunder of your opponent. You have to know the weaknesses of your opponents! 👍

    4:42 your brain feels like a sponge? what does that mean? is it absorbing water? it can scrub you clean? I have so many questions.

    he did'nt know what to do obviously he was just playing the best he could . and you are saying that he looked this line in the engine and prepared. that is so wrong of you .

    I think Eric Rosen is the guy next to Anna. But you are amazing Anna! one of my favorite youtubers!

    Not to sound creepy, but here's a little tip when playing Eric.
    The more skin you show, the better your chances..

    I am Bobby Fisher's fan. He is better than russian grandmasters.

    love your recaps Anna your passion and enthusiasm for chess is great

    You are good at keeping the suspense up to the end Anna. Glad you won that match, your opponent was indeed a serious contender. Good luck for the other rounds!

    You're fearless, fall on your sword. No draw. So very entertaining. Chess Princess.

    I absolutely share with you the same thought about not offering a draw, as you said chess is a funny game, when someone is doing good, the best thing to do is to continue and let him win if he really deserves it or do your best to get a draw or maybe a win.

    I think after h5 you could've taken his knight on c5, , opening up the d file and removing that well placed knight.

    Love your passion & love the way your mom comments on your games 🤣

    I'm a 500, but the way ur playing right now you can't even afford to underestimate me..🤓

    It would be great to add Pia’s comments on twicht on your best/worst moments during the games.

    Congratulations Anna tactical ✌ keep it up I wish you all the best ✌

    Aren't you 3/4? You won the first 2 games and lost the 3rd one, no?

    Wow u got lucky and read his rating well at start. Old people get brain rot at after a while.

    I watched the second half of the game and your comeback was incredible to watch, well deserved win! You could see he got really stressed out under the time pressure, but he played very well until that, especially if you consider his official rating.

    Operation: Knight Jailbreak
    in a double header with
    Operation: Imprison the Bishop

    I’m excited for the game with Eric Rosen

    im realy like your face expression,. hahaha
    and im jealous of your teeth,. im sorry to se it,.
    afraid to play chess against you.

    I loved the way you tricked him into thinking you could not play with all those bad moves, he fell for it and lost his rook 🙂 Anna, you are cunning as well as fearless. Good luck with your match tomorrow…. you have an opportunity of a famous win….you can do it, I know you can do it (make sure you have a good rest tonight)

    I'm excited to see you play again and how you explain everything in this channel. when you explain it's like a drama full of suspense and breathe taking…haha…Aside from that I'm learning from it. And more exciting you will play with Eric. Wow! wheather whose gonna win i'l be both supporting your channel…haha…from a fan with very low rating yet you are one of all i admire who encouraged me to go on playing chess. Thanks Anna! like your mom as well, maybe you got it from her how you explain things.

    Colabborate with rosen for the recap!

    Like if you agree.

    I would also rather someone win than 2 Take a draw..I have a strong disdain for draws

    Anna, your analysis is not just fun to watch [your personality makes it so] but useful for we mere mortal chess players to see how to improve our games! Thanks.

    I hate winning as a result of my opponent's blunders ;( but that's how my opponents are winning against me too, so let's keep on going

    Glad you've won this one Anna! Good comeback after a difficult position!

    Thank you, Anna. Always a great joy to go over a chess game. It is appreciated and w are grateful. 🌹

    Hey Go Anna,
    sorry I can't keep you warm tonight…
    in cold Iceland , if you win tomorrow,.
    I'll give you a special treat 😘

    Never underestimate your opponent especially in a tournament

    You're going to play against THE Eric Rosen? Well, good luck, that guy is not joke. He'll make you suffer, he'll deceive you, he'll lie. He'll pretend that he blundered his Queen, just to check mate you in the next move.

    Watch out for that Eric, kiddo.

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