I Trained Like A Chess Grandmaster

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Want to get into chess? Check out everyone featured in the video:
Levy Rozman (Gotham Chess) ►
Anna Rudolf (Anna_Chess) ►
Anna Cramling ►
Hikaru Nakamura (GMHikaru) ►
Alexandra and Andrea Botez (BotezLive) ►

Special thanks to Danny Rensch and Chess.com for making this episode possible!

Directed by Garrett Kennell ► ​
Edited by Silas Orteza ► ​
Director of Photography – Eric Lombart
Camera Operator – Nate Cornett
Assistant Editor – Madeline Puzzo ► ​
Castlemania Merch Designs – Derek Rudy ►

%1$ Comments820

    29:27, this looks like the most fake surprised face ive ever seen

    Now train like a mathematician and participate in a sudo-math olympiad

    I enjoy the video for the most part….

    The one thing I didn't enjoy was the baint and switch when Discussing chess' assotiation with Inteligence.

    You presented a premise that imediatly said isnt' true: Good chess players are smart.
    Then… instead of presenting any evidence of this, the video baits and switches and goes off how "chess players" are portrayed as nerdy in media, and the stigma of liking chess or playing it.

    And.. that's it. Ok what does Social stigma have to do with inteligence?

    The initial premise still holds true: A higher inteligence is required for high level of play. Being stupid does actually limit your ability to play chess.

    The social stigma… is irelevant to the premise you presented. Alan Turing develped a chess program. Not to mention was one of the smartest people in the world. And…. a popular kid in school, an athlete and a bit of a party animal. One of the smartest people in the world.. ever… who broke the enigma code, was simultaniously an athlete and an avid chess player. Go figure. It's like social standing has nothing to do with chess.

    Can you play chess without being a social pariah? An awkward nerdy "looser"? Yes. Of course.
    Can you play chess if you're IQ is in the double digits? Yes but not very good chess.

    Stop associating how people "feel" – social acceptance – with a measurable ability.
    Yes, playing chess well is a sign of a higher cognitive ability.

    thank you for showing how chess really is,you did so good

    Post board, so moves can be watched…playing GMs, so why surprised?

    im still over here losing to the bots on chess online

    My friend is 11 and he has 1100 rating ;-;

    I'm not very good but I smoked someone with 100% accuracy
    Thrn wemt back to 11% right after hahaha

    Did you break 1000? I'm betting your 1800 by now

    never knew that a video about someone learning chess could be so emotional

    This was a great video. I cried with you everytime, I could relate so much and I bet you’ve been stressed a lot, but in the end you’ve made it and proved it was worth it! ❤

    as a gotham chess fan i wish i could be trained personally by him

    Edit: WOW thanks for all the likes didnt expect this

    Edit 2: holy 1k likes that’s crazy thanks umm I didn’t expect this many likes thanks

    Segment around 21:45 m in is so cringe. Boohoo you didn’t instantly master chess. The arrogance

    After that queen play when she took Rook, that was 2nd to best move she could have made. She could have traded bu bringing up her bishop to take black queen but lose it as well as the queen.

    I’ve noticed that I’m better at chess than I taught speaking with talent that I’ve been playing for 3 months with no teacher and I knew every best move she could have done but still GOOD JOB!

    the first match isn't checkmate the king can take the queen

    There is no shame in losing – it teaches us what not to do so next time we don't make the same mistake.
    This makes us stronger & wiser & it is in our strength & wisdom thru loss that our victory comes.

    I've always loved playing chess for fun with friends and family. I rarely win but I never get upset about it. I just love playing the game. All this tournament talk about "London opening" and such is all over my head.

    Omg shut up at the end, she seriously started crying. What a way to shit on a video

    Lol i just need to creare an account and already be on 2000

    With all the chess celebrities gathered here, I kind of missed Antonio "Agadmator". Nonetheless great video.

    The pepole that dont know how to speek chess 🤨 the peepole that do 🙂

    this video's storytelling > fiction.
    100% approved by a random person on the internet

    one year later she never played again. What a shame the future world champion gave it all up so soon

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