I Tried 100 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments520

    This has to be one of the top educational vod ideas you came up with. We need more of this.

    15:07 the opponent play move to qb5 is more than levy see it is mate just one but levy make draw justice for 200 elo

    it was good, need next videos with 500 ,1000 and etc.

    I strongly suspect the first player was actually cheating a bit. Not like 100% but like 80%.

    That 100 elo losing their queen and ragequitting is litterally how it feels to play chess at a low level. There's no 2nd chance in this game

    Levy isn't bad enough to see the logic of these low ELO types. As one myself, some of their moves made perfect sense to me lol. Like at 15:00, the queen was obviously moved there because they finally saw a checkmate threat with the knight and queen.

    Yesterday i wantched chessnukes video. This was a nice version of the idea😁

    I really wish Gotham wouldn't make so much content on such high ELO scores, yo.

    When i was 100,my accuracy was 80-90 % on game review

    People with 100 elo might not know there's an option to msg. That's why they are not responding

    There are lots of fake 100 elo players coz of chess infuencers from YouTube like ChessSimp. Others saw funny videos, they want to play it too and just resign 100 games in a row to low their elo. I suppose only 10-15% of 100ELO are really 100 Elo, others are like from 600 up to 1600 on main accs

    This is the chess equivalent of setting up a smurf account in Battlefield or CSGO or something and pwning some noobs in Ranked

    16:05 The thing is, a player can be decent at openings and positional play, but if they don't know how to checkmate, it's going to be very hard to win games. The result is that the 100-200 elo range ends up being a mixed bag of skill levels, for better or worse.

    Of course the 100's don't watch Gotham, they would be on their way to 1000+ elo if they did right 🙂

    Can I 1v1 you levy I’ve been watching you for a while and I just made a account so I can comment

    Second game, when forcing draw, white/iambad300 actually set up the mate :p

    Relinquish your IM title and join the ranks of the noobs

    This was one of the best videos in a while, I would love to see if you climbed the elo ladder slowly using this account up to your current level, I think that’s an insane idea, anyways thanks for the video it was very fun to watch 🙂

    Nice levy sure is weird, being used to him thrashing everyone, but I don’t dislike him

    I wanna see you play the damiano defense and see how the 100 elos react

    Gothem watch out u might lose ur mind a bit while being in the cave

    If they watched Gothamchess, they wouldn’t be a 100 Elo 😂 that’s why no one answered you

    I made a bot that would do all random moves and it still won 2 games.

    Of course it's 0 for 6, no one watches GothamChess at 150 elo. That's way too high a elo for a gotham sub.

    Levy – so surprised 100 can do these things
    200 – why are you surprised, I see this everyday

    If it's the prehistoric world of 100 elo chess, why does the elo count say 139?

    He is thinking till date….why Athe fu#c opponent has resigned 😁🤣😂

    you are gona play just like a 100 since you've watched so many 1 elo games

    0:23 you once lived in that cave, Levy

    "Every chess master was once a beginner"

    a lot of low elo players in india are mostly low elo because they keep disconnecting so they're actually not horrible at the game

    The first game just showed why these people are 100. We all hang pieces, but if you DC each time you lose a piece, you will be 100. Sure, Levy can resign if he hangs a knight, but all of us should play on and never resign.

    that first game I am thinking they premoved the knight move

    Gotham:I wanna play like a 150.
    Also Gotham:My plan is…
    As an individual who was 700 last year I can confirm no such thing exists even at that level.

    lol these games remind me so much of me deliberately trying to let a young kid or beginner win, or trying to set up a position where they can play a forced mate with King & Queen v King.

    100 elo might open well but their tunnel vision and no ability to checkmate will keep them at 100 elo.

    They can study as much chess as they want. Without solving the tunnel vision they will not advance.

    I know because that is what is keeping me just below 1000 elo.

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