I Tried 100 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments520

    Ahhhh blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's halarious??? 😂😂😂😂😂

    I used to play chess very casually in 2020 and i reached around 800 elo, I started to play again around a month ago (competetively ) and im 600 elo at best

    everyone is getting better since chess is getting popular again

    teh draw offer i think was bc he thought the website broke cos he couldnt take queen lmao

    it's just me remember opening but me lost what to do in mid-game.

    A lot of people play in focus mode. If I see your comment, you're lucky because I almost always play in focus mode.

    This is how Hikaru feels like when he plays Levy😂

    I feel so sad that no one replied to Levy

    Levy is the kid in the class how looks like hes in 12th but is actually at grade 2nd

    I hope Levy will appear in the next GTE

    As someone with low ELO (more like 600, not 150), I can speak to why it seemed like the 201 was playing well for their ELO. We all know how to start a game for the most part. We just can't finish it. Lol

    imagine he gets @ChessSimp during a challenge

    I don't blame your opponents for not responding. I often don't notice chat messages for several moves… in daily.

    Player 2: “you can’t blunder the queen if you don’t use it”

    Awesome video, really enjoyed the concept. Excellent sportsmanship as well by the way. Would definitely be keen on seeing more of this content. Thanks for the fantastic videos Gotham keep up the good work.

    I think that 200 would be like 600 if not for knights. That's why their entire strategy is to trade their bishops for your knights.

    I can't blame them for not knowing how to win when completely winning. They haven't been in that position very often.

    Gotham you should play with your subscribers every day a week

    Gothan makes us all laugh, I am enjoying all the content lately, his reaction to the last movement in the vid was amazing 😂 thanks for the good times Gotham! Btw. I had to disable chat because people would be aggressive and not cool, but maybe you didnt get answers because they were on mobile? It's not that easy to chat/play imo. Maybe that, idk, I haven't used chat since I started GGs 100 ELO

    I actually think this might be one of my favorites of your videos Levy! More please 🙂

    Gotham be like: 1200's are trash

    Also Gotham be like: 100's are good!

    The only time I’d ask my opponent if they watched gothamchess is if they hung a back rank checkmate

    Omg I loved that stare at the beginning 10/10 ❤

    I'm curious if he learnt chess on russian or English🤔

    The infatuation with "Do you watch Gotham Chess?" is real.

    Lots of low rated players are playing in the 1000s range. Hate and love it

    Watching Chess simp videos really puts 100 elo in a whole new light with all the insane challenges that he undergoes 😂

    I am 450 and the computer rates my play 1250 every game😂😂😂😂

    Person plays a Botex gambit and Gotham resigns out of fear.

    Opponent makes the obvious move

    Gotham Chess: OOOOOOO!!!!!

    Levy, could you make a video where you played 1000 ELO players?

    200 noob starts game with C4
    GothamChess: “OMG what a great move, that’s crazy!”

    Vestas, теперь ты популярный нагибатор

    I love how much fun you had with this one Levy!! Great content as always!!

    15:15 levy was saying he’s not trying to win when he has mate in 1 if he did not give a check

    losing the Queen and just disconnecting. I know the feeling dude.

    I been playing for the last hour or so, my best win that earned me 8 rating points was I played the game into a stalemate when I had only my King and a blocked pawn left and the opponent had 2 bishops, a knight and 4 pawns.

    Levy: For newbies, nine times out of ten moving a piece backwards isn't a good move


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