I Tried 100 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments520

    Very fun to watch, good idea for a series maybe.

    I play a lot of beginners and I've been given conflicting advice on how I should play. Some say you should always play your best. Others say you should cut beginners some slack. I do know that most beginners will simply quit if they get continually stomped. I'm considering opening with the Bongcloud to at least give them a running start.

    finally he reacts to an actual 200 elo player. nowadays they play really good. they only lose due to some blunders in the middlegame

    I do hates Knights.. so i dont blame the 2nd game hahah

    Now let's see you play each tier of ELO! (200s, 300s, 400s, etc. until you get back to your current tier)

    100 Rated Chess: But its fathers day and your teaching your kid about new ways to play chess. You must end the game in a stalemate.

    This was fun. If you spend a day at 800 maybe you’ll get to watch me hang all my pieces lmao.

    You don't start at 100… How did bro get down to 100 in 3 days?

    I like how in the second game, the opponent was so close to mating but Levy just forced a draw

    That 2nd game, your opponent somehow managed to not only get his knight trapped, but to then trap BOTH his knights

    deep dark cave-who is thinking what I am thinking 😂

    At 1600 elo, I've missed a couple of diagonals

    Levy resigning when winning a queen is so strange for the other player lol

    This is so bad 100 ELO is so so low

    This was one of the best vids you've put out in a long time, really enjoyed it

    Greatest chess video of all time! I cracked up when he kept asking complete noobs from random countries if they watch Gotham 😂

    The waffle house has found its new host.

    I haven’t played chess in 20 yrs, and I wasn’t good then either. But these videos make me want to start again.

    The real deep dark cave is the fact that nobody recognised Gotham

    They should lower the floor so people who open with something like 1… f3 are not facing these people.

    the 200-300 players i play feel much better then they should

    Levy, most 100's might not even know there is a chat function

    Hey Levy, will you be willing to set up some more sub battles with Hikaru?

    Really interesting to see inside the mind of a certain rating. It would be a neat series I think if you made a bunch of videos of different elo levels and we could look for patterns at specific elos, like maybe there is a really prevalent mistake made at 1300 specifically, for example.

    Stalemate challenge would be a fantastic good time

    Pleeeeeease play 800 elo rapid

    In the 2nd game opponent wants to checkmate but u then only forced a draw lol

    Bro i was laughing so hard at the scholars mate one

    "e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6"
    I 100% expect them to play Bb5.

    100 elo better than me ??!?!?!?!??👀👀👀🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    Me at 50 elo being confused about how the knights move

    I started watching GothamChess when he was at 200k subs and when I was a 150, now he's almost at 4 million subs and I'm at 1,000 elo. To me it feels like he is one of the players in my first chess games

    The second game reminded me of every 1100 I play anymore, they all play like 1700's and I get crushed at 1200. GG

    Hearing a grown man say “I wanna develop my horsie” is peak comedy

    We need a video that lasts until someone responds yes to the do they watch him question.

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