I TROLLED This Chess Hustler Into Thinking I Was A Beginner

In this video, I went to Union Square Park and tried to make my opponent think I was a beginner in chess. His name is Tyrone and is a super nice guy that loves teaching chess! This was all just in good fun, and my opponent took it really well when I told him my real strength.

A chess hustler is just someone that plays chess on the streets for money. Union Square Park is a famous chess hustling NYC park, where hustlers play visitors from all over the world.

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%1$ Comments344

    This sweet gentleman reminds me of my dad. Brings me to tears.

    Just shut up both of you and play the game

    Not a hustler, a monica hustla that hustles beginners from their money to buy drugs…

    "Trolled"…?…But did you get any monetary gain from it ?
    Bytheway…do people always yap that much during a chess game ?

    this is exactly when you try to be nice to your kiddo and give him handicap and then kiddo is kicking you in your balls and you fall

    Anna is not a very nice person. She’s the hustler.

    This guy …. I’d like him to be one of my friends. I could listen to him all day. Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪

    the fact that you can play the game far better than me is both hot and terrifying at the same time… XD mad props

    What a lovely guy, thinking he's teaching you how to play chess, the world needs more people like him.

    This guy is great. He clearly loves teaching.

    He mansplained to the very end lol

    This is really wholesome content.

    2 fun people having fun and a giggle playing chess. I didn't even know that chess could be this entertaining

    Well in reality you were the one trying to hustle him he thought he was trying to teach a novice the game and your title is very disrespectful calling this man a hustler and for that you get a down vote.

    There's only one "hustler" in this video and it's the one who came into Union Square with a camera crew.

    She's cheating … tight jeans, exposed tummy … thta's gonna distract men !

    3:23 was the moment it began to dawn on him that Anna wasn't the "beginner" he thought she was…and 5:33 was the moment he realized he'd been tricked!

    My beloved Union Square. I went to the Planet Fitness across the street.
    Manhattan is my favorite city. I love New York, but Manhattan IS New York.

    I know NOTHING About Chess, but he seems like a NICE GUY who loves the game !!!!! Not a dirty hustler…

    Pretty dishonorable really. No one with an actual understanding of ethics is impressed

    I don't get it. She didn't win. His King is not in Checkmate is it???? Why did they stop?

    Ty was a great sport and had Anna in a tough spot… an almost certain win for Ty… until the king broke through… Enjoyed watching

    Love this video. Just stumbled upon it and boy was it refreshing. Love the both of you for the way you played the game and the explanatory nature you both displayed. ❤❤❤

    That was fun. They both seem very nice. Love her accent.

    He's very good and fast. Obviously has lots of experience, but he was surprised when he met his match.

    I love seeing this, just two good people having a game of chess

    His field of view makes it impossible for him to think straight

    Please change the title if this video.. after watching it you are the one who looks like the hustler. Perhaps you underestimated his ability and his generosity.

    Thank you for playing against this gentleman, it was such a joy to watch! Gg btw.

    There's no way to know, but I get the feeling ……………..she knows how TO PLAY THE GAME!!!!

    On a side issue…he is wearinga frickin' mask! – how can you be logical enough to be very good at chess, yet fail to see the simple logic that masks do not protect you – if you are able to breath witn a mask on, then air is entering your lungs -if that air contains a virus you want to avoid, well, you just breathed it in – through the sides of your mask! LOL. He is obviously a very nice guy, but the mask…I mean, come on!

    What a lovely game and lovely interactions. Beautiful peoples!

    What a great young lady, you are! – so talented …and you also have a wonderful sense of humour – in fact, you are a bit of a trickster!

    What hustler?? He's a decent player who happened to lose a game. I think we know who the hustler is, Anna. CLICK BAIT!

    Anna is so cute. And this man also.
    Love this video.

    Well played, both! And both players are very kind!

    Ty seem like a nice guy. I'd love to play him, but he would whoop my ass because I really am a beginner.

    i am probably the worst chess player in the history of the world but it sure is fun to watch the masters go at it.

    You should play Joe Biden. It'd be over in a single move.

    I wonder what would have happen if he didn't explain his strategy giving away what is usually hidden and took less time explaining, saving him more time to see that the sacrifice was actually a major game changer!

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