I WON!!!

This is the final day of a chess tournament I am playing right now in Mallorca, Spain 🙂 I hope you enjoy the video!!!!

⭐️ Standings:
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Photo: Open Colonia Sant Jordi

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments492

    It's young. Maximal play power is not yet reached -:)

    congratulations – you had fun and entertained us the audience – thanks so much

    Congratulations, I really thought you played at a very high level the whole tournament, with just a few moves each game that made the difference. Really impressive play

    So you didn’t really win, you just did better than the other woman, and got the equivalent to a participation trophy? Or am I misunderstanding something?

    Anna, great tournament. I'm super happy for you and your dad.

    Congatulations, Ann Cramling. Your perfomance is amazing, you should be better than Alexandra Botez, nail her down someday. You have better chess background and unique family. But now again I remembering you to start doing PHYSICAL exercises. You became too skinny and weak. Just do it regurarly already, ffs. Many chess GMs there and here are using sport to evolute their brain and also became more healthier and strong.

    Wonderful news Anna! Could you review some of your dad's tournament games? FREE

    Well played family. Dad, daughter and mom's commenting live.

    Bravo Anna , en effet quel tournoi incroyable tu as fait là, nous te souhaitons tous le meilleur à l'avenir ! 🚀♟️👏

    Congrats Anna i have a question. im also swedish and ive always wanted to play comp chess do you know any tournaments upcoming?

    Very well done, Anna! 2 comments about the critical position at 6_:_28. [1] You say that Qf5 was best, and probably the engine is with you (I did not check), but there is the cazy idea of 2.N:f7?! with a lot of fun say after Q:f7 3.Q:h6 Bd5 4.Rh-f1 (??) Qg7 (Q:f1 5.Qg6+ draws) 5:Q:g7 K:g7 6.Re7+ and white is still alive(?) . [2] There is also the idea that (instead of the surprising Qh8) black would have played 1…Q:b2+ 2.K:b2 R:d2 3.N:e6 f:e6 4.R:e6 c5 5.g4 Rf-f2 6.Rc1 and it looks like white will struggle for a draw.


    I want to see how your mother and father reacted to the audio of Anna’s mother playing during the tournament.

    I think the absolute best part was being with your father during this event, rather than your placing, although of course I am extremely happy for you. Not trying to diminish that, but these ratings will come and go, but time with your dad is now a memory and it was awesome to be together in this event.

    You should spend some time in the sun Anna!😅

    So there are 3 categories?
    1 best male player?
    1 best female player?
    1 overal best player?

    Congratulations Anna! I watched every game you played. Great job overall!

    the whole family element of this channel is so wholesome and positive. I love it.

    Congrats Anna, really deserved!! So happy for you and your family.

    Well done Anna! Amazing work! Cramling-Bellon's doing amazingly well!

    Brilliant, for you and your dad- this makes us all happy (and i have to say your video titles don't give away the results in each game, a few times the result didn't match my expectation.)

    Thank you, Anna, this has been a delight to watch your process & the excellent results each day

    congrats Cramlings! already looking forward for the next one, hope you get some good vacation time. (come to maldives!)

    Your dad must be so proud of you! Probably more proud of you than happy for himself. Congratulations!

    Anna you should add the adventure of your dad coming in second or at least interview him about his experience. I love I mean love your energy girl . I want you to go as far as you can . Love you lots bill

    Congrats to you both. Really enjoyed following it for the last few days.

    Congratulations, Anna! For you and your father. 👏

    I can win against stockfish 15.1 but I don't care

    Play tje Floripa Chess Open in Brazil in january!

    5.5/9 sucks btw, with these patzers, you couldve done better tbh. 2500 strength first 25 moves every games, but you lack strength. A bit weak

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