This is the vlog and recap of round 1 of a chess tournament I am playing right now in Mallorca, Spain πŸ™‚ I’m so excited to bring you on this chess journey these next 9 days – hope you enjoy the vlog!!!!

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments694

    Hi Anna, from one Swede to another the word you were looking for is ROOSTER.

    I think thats a chicken…is that a rare sight in ur country?

    Cute, ""a chicken".. 😊😊😊😊

    Congratulations on drawing this game. Great play.

    You are a lovable nut like Andrea only smarter

    Good luck on the tourney and congrats on your draw with a GM, thats definitely a win either way!

    Well Done Anna! You are much stronger than you realise. Keep getting better.

    Good thing Anna's chess is 10K x better than her zoology. Congratulations.

    A chicken, hen, rooster and cockerel, who wants to explain the differences to me please?

    Anna I have a question . If the king gets in check like at 13:13 can it still castle later on if they put a piece in front of the king like the queen in this case to block the check . As far as I understand it there are 4 rules of castling . 1 neither the king nor the rook has previously moved . 2 T^here are no pieces between the king and the rook . 3 The King is not currently in check and 4 The King does not pass through or finish on a square that is attacked by an enemy piece . I don't know of any rule that states that once a king has been in check that the King can't castle as long as the King didn't have to move to get out of check . Why did you say she could no longer castle ? A simple queen block would have allowed her to castle later on if you didn't trade queens .

    Spoiler alert , next round Anna is beat by a kid using "The Cow".

    Anna! You are in Spain??! Are you coming to Madrid? I want to meet your mother β€οΈπŸ™

    Thank you for sharing your journey. Phenominal!

    This is one of the best vlogs I have seen in years. wouldn't mind more vlog content! In and out of chess!

    I thought it wasn't a chicken, it was a cock. One can recognize when one sees one, unless of course it changed its pronouns.

    she drew a gm and lost to a fm next round wich is funny i guess

    Wow! Your best game by FAR. Bravo! Had you taken the f4 pawn with the pawn rather than the Knight, you would have had a completely winning position. I actually liked Qa5, because after that there's no way you can lose. Hey, and you had black!Β 

    I think your current true rating is definitely over 2200. You are following Nakamura's path: your streaming and content creation seems to augment your strength rather than being a liability. I think the reason for this is that you study many games deeply and you then need to express in words your UNDERSTANDING to your viewers, which in turn DEEPENS your overall understanding of chess.Β 

    Believe in yourself, study seriously every single day, stop completely playing blitz, and in 2 years max you'll definitely become a GM.

    Such a goof πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€

    Why on earth do you look so flaming skinny honey?

    Anna, I've been watching you for so long, I've watched your games and streams for a while and I gotta say that I'm really proud of you.

    Best of luck to you Anna in your next round of matches.

    You've already played Magnus. Admittedly it wasn't in a tournament, but still you have played the best so you should feel more relaxed now.

    Well done Anna! Best wishes from Iceland πŸ™‚

    Great result. I am sure you mom will support her own daughter over a good friend.

    No sabe ni nada Anna. Entre partida y partida, a prepararlas en las playitas de Mallorca y desayunado churros. Eso en Islandia no se puede hacer…

    Anna that's really really amazing you had a draw against a grandmaster I believe the next time your gonna win I believe you can your amazing Anna πŸ™πŸ’blessings from New Zealand

    thank you for your great videos Anna! i started playing online a little because you reminded me how fun chess is! πŸ™‚

    If you meet the dad he should play the "muu" opening πŸ˜‚

    Such a fresh idea for video, everyone have the same format when they show they games . This is the hole experience.

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