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%1$ Comments190

    Didn't hang mate yourself while having M1 on the board. This does not belong in the playlist lol

    Levy the type of guy to never fail to be the type of chess

    In the 4th harry potter book at the world cup Krum caught the snitch for bulgaria but they still lost because Ireland was up 160 points at the time, and was running roughshod over the rest of the Bulgarians, so they wree never gonna catch up anyway. So yeah not only can you lose while catching the snitch but the analogy actually works lol

    thats why low elo dont overthink , theyre secret gms

    How to lose at chess, I thought that was the preface of your new book?

    Isn't it the opening you played against Cramling's mother? It looked so similar until 4:55

    I now can say that levy is very good at losing 6 points of material in 2 moves. Levy won the hardest test ever

    Wow Levy kept his cool and punched him in the face with a chess knockout. Fortune favoured the bold.

    This is one of the best chess videos I’ve ever seen 🎉

    It’s good to see Levy playing in the style of his loyal subscribers.

    Boxing has knockouts. Land a knockout and it doesn't matter the score.

    Boxing has knockouts. Land a knockout and it doesn't matter the score.

    We all know that it's bad if levy looks down while explaining in the intro

    "And I think that he did that on purpose or he was nervous…" – Poet Levy "Rozman"

    Its always fun to rewind 15 moves and be like "yeah that was a good knight" and remember your fallen soldiers

    Congratulations, you can be an adult now.

    No matter the blunders. The fact that you could see the zugzwang and checkmate at 2 seconds on the clock is insane! What a roller coaster of a game.

    At one point, I was down 14 points of material, and managed to back rank checkmate my opponent 😂. It was kind of expected though since we were 500s.

    In wrestling you can be down by a lot but if you pin them you win anyway

    Why did Stockfish lower the eval down from 100%-white-winning when Levy made his penultimate move, Qe2? He's still 100% winning in that situation, isn't he? Qe2 doesn't change the situation on the board – black can still be checkmated after moving the pawn and the only other moves available involve sacrificing the black queen, while the white queen has actually slightly strengthened their defence with Qe2.

    “The Queen went on a spiritual journey”

    Still here coz he didn't say "Get out of here".

    You are the most entertaining person on the internet lmao i dont even like chess

    How is Levy not a GM his rating is 2600 or am I missing something


    Here is why I love Levy. He is basically saying ,that his International Master garbage is still better than what most Grandmasters play. What do they call that in America? A backhanded compliment? By the way did he really just mention "football "Bayern Munich and Real Madrid in the same sentence? Speaking like a true European."❤

    Dear levy, as a German I am very proud of you that you finally learned how to properly pronounce Zugzwang

    13:50 the golden snitch gives you 150 points and the game is over. So you'd better not be more than 150 points down when you catch it.

    another top notch addition to the How to Lose at Chess playlist 🔥

    Levy never fails to- nah good video for real, i was entertained and amused

    I love positive stereotypes like going up agains indian players in chess 😂. Im the same way with japanese players when it comes to competitive video games. I just know I'm about to get railed 😂

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