I’m done with Magnus.

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%1$ Comments169

    You know if Kramnik just took a normal PC like a normal person this wouldn't have been an issue. Is anyone really taking his claims seriously with how asinine he's been through all this? It's not very sporting.

    For future watchers, the original title was "I've done Magnus"

    You're never gonna be done with Magnus 😭

    Heyy can someone please tell me which Watch brand used to sponseer him I liked to buy for my dad

    wait why can't kramnik play on another computer? or otb? aren't you all in madrid together? sorry for the headache

    Isnt it convenient that when Kramniks accusations get challengedhis laptop breaks

    just live boot linux off of a usb stick. all you need is a browser right? or a chromebook

    If you pin me I will not tell ur secret that you use magnus as clickbait🤫🤫

    Kramnick laptop "Updating"…very interesting
    Jose! Begin Procedure!

    Fun fact: Out of the 2k videos Levy has made, over 1k of them has Magnus in either the title or thumbnail.

    So sad to see Levy being done with Magnus because he doesn't want to give him a raise 😔

    it's surprising to find that Magnus won a tournament and pocketed 60k, meanwhile Levy got roughly the same with 1 Magnus video. Unfathomable stuff.

    Next video: Now im really done with magnus!!

    Without Magnus this guy wouldn’t even have a platform. He’s clearly obsessed, thinking about Magnus all the time. If he didn’t clickbait using Magnus he wouldn’t even have 10k subs. His commentary is also absolutely garbage as seen in the clash of claims even yesterday. How did this bozo even get famous?

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