im sorry

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%1$ Comments524

    My friend saw me watching this with my earphones and thought Levi was a preacher

    Kinda nice to see bad manners get some bad karma.

    I genuinely cant believe what I just witnessed

    Thank you so much for using Km instead of miles, you're welcome to move to Canada at any time.

    Levi, don't be sorry, don't retire, its just a bad game.

    I was always horrible at openings (500 elo) but after some practice I know got the hang of it (im now 700) which once again shows that you should always stay on what youre doing and don’t give up

    I think white was trolling. Probably an unrated game against a buddy.

    @GothamChess Don't quit! More people need to be warned about eating random mushrooms from the forest. 😆

    Most genuine "now get out of here" from Levy ever


    This is blowing my mind 😂😂 how am I rated lower than these people 😅

    Thank you for your every day videos. Much appreciate your humor 🙂

    he didn't sign up to see games this shit

    For the encouragement part,
    I learn chess from your YouTube channel.
    It's been okay lately.
    But there was one game where I(1230) demolished a 2015 elo so bad, that he thought I was cheating.
    I took the game review and saw that his accuracy was 71%.

    Levy, thanks to you, i brought handfull of players to chess. I also started play chcess at 5 y.o. thanks to my grandfather. Than after i overtake my teacher i won couple prices during elementary s. Than also as you, I focused on sports, my case was floorball, basketball and beachball. I am from Ostrava, you was in Pardubice on tournament. After 10 years of living life, travelling, building home, even its just flat/appartment and some land, I get back to chess and enjoying every one thought of your knowledge.
    Please, just dont end this, ok ? We from Czechia follow you my man. I recomend Grece for holiday. Stay man

    P.S.: your british friend is not learning, cant focus. Leave him or friendly slap him. I am so sad he is not even 1000 so far. With your guidance

    i mean i woudnt stop you after that game tbh thats not the chess we are used to

    hey, Gotham you do know that with you being a pretty good teacher a lot of us actually learned something like me I learned the queen's gambit opening, the four horses, Sicilian and etc. So it would be a shame if you were to quit on us by quitting yourself. Now get out of here and make those videos.

    Levyyyyyyyyys…Caro Kann. (In the style of Leeeeeeroy Jenkinssss)

    Very, very funny video to watch and, as usual, instructive as hell, though this time is about not fooling around as if you were someone. Loved the comment "you are not allowed to push the resign button until you reach a certain ELO". And by the way, I improved A LOT with you middlegame course (moving from 1200 to 1500sh in just 3 months). Now enjoying your Caro-Kann course! <3

    I really hope that this will not be the last video

    I am an 1200 elo, and after i boguth a course and learned from it I drawed an 1800 elo player!

    I've played chess since I was 8 or 9… So roughly for 40 years. I've got an elo at about 1800 or there about so I don't learn partiularly much from watching this, but its entertainment at its finest.

    That said, white isn't Hikaru. Kids should stop acting like they are.

    Seriously bro,
    I just put food in my mouth and I was so freaking shocked after the mate, that I literally forgot to chew for sometime 😑.

    This is the most entertaining game ever played. Has more drama and a better love story than twilight. Not only should you not quit making these videos, but should be sure to look out for those kinds of games more often ! You're the one that got me back to chess at the start of the pandemic. You're the hero we all need AND deserve.

    Kali gives some well deserved Karma… yeah!

    I qualified for a regional tournament last week.

    Bro good thing magnus doesnt rlly reaction to games he would just buy a gun and shot every chessboard
    (This comment would get removed from yt if I said the other option the real option)

    I think Levy needs a drink or three after this. That was a friggin ride yo

    You want something good, well here it is.

    I had not played chess in decades and rediscovered the game watching your channel after I saw you on Lex Fridman. Your insights and evaluations are great and fun to watch.

    I hope you are not going to throw all away because of some idiot threw away a perfectly winnable game. The internet is chuck-full of stupidity.

    Keep up the good work and perhaps stick to only reviewing games from serious players and tournaments.


    I was going to chess club for a year in middle school. After that mostly haven't played it but recently got into it, months ago. So far laying around 500 in 5 minute games and a bit more in rapid

    cmon levi you saw a game that a man blundered his queen SIX TIMES

    My journey on chess before finding this channel.. Before I sucked.. now I still suck but you help making it entertained.

    Hey mate, I guess games like that are the ones I don't watch on your channel or any channel because I'm not sure what I can learn from them. hope you bounce back soon, ✌️ peace

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