Incredible London System Queen Sac (15 MOVES)

Ding vs Nepo Candidates, Round 1 –
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Photos by Lenart Ootes
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(2610) – Mladen
, Palac (2489)
Mitropa Cup, Round 1 2023.04.10
D02 London System

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d5 3.Bf4 c5 4.e3 e6 5.c3 Nbd7 6.Nbd2 Be7 7.Ne5 Nxe5 8.Bxe5 Bd7 9.a4 Bc6 10.Bd3 Bd6 11.f4 O-O 12.O-O Qe7 13.Rf3 g6 14.Rh3 Nd7 15.Qh5

00:00 Hello Everyone!

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  1. great game but it would be be more excitement if you dont mention the star move of the game (queen sacrifice on move 15) in the begining or in the title and we get challenged to try finding the move!
    thank you😊❤

  2. These short videos are really enjoyable and action packed 😀

  3. I remember dubov vs nihal in this world rapid was also very similar to this game with the final move being Qh5!!

  4. Nice quote, I have loved Ding in the interviews, he has been awesome. His fledgling grasp of the language doesn't allow him to be anything but completely honest! It is so refreshing.

  5. It's no fun when the "pause the video" moment has been spoiled by the video title. Come on Tony!

  6. KD7 is one of the worst moves I've ever seen on the channel.

  7. That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, Bingo! says:

    The London is so good, and snobby people don't play it out of spite or something. It's all I play with white.

  8. From now on I'm going to be sac'g my queen in every game I play. As I have been doing, without success.

  9. I'd say this is perfect example how you shouldn't play against London system. Very slow opening and passive setup by black.

  10. Why do you do 2 days and then a rest day, can i suggest 3 days on and 1 off and best of 9 format for next year?

  11. Trust me agad break up don't hurt me more nowadays but not seeing your videos in my recommendation does!!

  12. your premise is wrong, I am not worried about playing the London system at all, if they play it, I know many lines so I am happy, if they don;t, no big deal as I know many lines, the london is fine

  13. Do people bet on chess? In another sport that would smell of match-fixing by Black!

  14. Agadmator, I order you to PIN my comment before I pin your king and checkmate you after that, thank you!

  15. This reminded me of a dubov game you have analyzed before

  16. That was maybe the best queensac of the year

  17. finally some slovak power is shown on the board

  18. Agad, maybe you said in another video which I didn't watch, but I (we) miss Medo. Is he ok? Still with us? All the best to you all

  19. First comment best day of my life i always play the london!

  20. This game mybe inspiration dubov vs sarin

  21. from a 2.4k rated GM this must be seen as a proper blunder ey.

  22. Petition for Agad to start referring to this variation of the London as "the pyramid opening"?

  23. Not really hard to find the correct move this time (after being told it's a queen sacrifice), as it is the ONLY available move which puts the queen en pris…

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