INSANE 100 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments183

    He should have played knight to g1 or g3 I don’t know if its the best move but it would slow the promotion down

    As someone who is a 200 elo player, i can confirm hes playing better than me.

    I'm actually curious as to how white wins the position before the evaluation plummets. Would it not have been better for white to go Nf3 instead of Ne2?

    you could moan a little less, not everybody who watches you is a degenerate who likes to hear this kind of stuff…

    After H2 the only move was to Ng3 sacrifing knight,if they take Kg2 holds the pawns…

    If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of 'em would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.

    Me thinking that I could win with just by my king and the queen

    That forced stalemate 🗿

    You're more helpful than you realize.

    I think he is gonna do something wrong but he didnt, well played!!

    … this looks exactly like a game I played recently

    ʀ ᴏ ꜱ ᴇ-Vlog Go to My Channel says:

    I expected the guy to blunder but still got it😂

    If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of 'em would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.

    M i Α vℓσg gσ тσ му ¢haηηєℓ! says:

    If cartoon bluebirds were real, a couple of 'em would be sitting on your shoulders singing right now.

    Did not know 100 Elo could be so good. Respect.

    At 100 ELO I’m guessing that Black wasn’t thinking about stalemate at all and got really lucky that white had that pawn move

    Me thinking that I could win with just by my king and the queen

    That forced stalemate 🗿

    Oh the technique@_@
    Hhhh but really the come back was marvelous

    Gotham a question basically im 700 elo i was and at my level i always destroyed everyone but now its been a motnh im playng shit and i dont understand why i git so bad a month before j was destroyng people at my level now im only losing

    Levy’s reaction😂😂

    What was the correct move for white after a2?

    A checkmate from 100 elos at last? A blessing from the Lord!

    Levy's emotional rollercoaster is on point, what a ride

    Jezus christ wtf is this comment section just turn it off please there are more bots than actual ppl bro.

    What was the correct move for white after a2?

    There are so many bots in comment section…

    Evrybdy be acting impressed that 100s can mate yet ive played 6-700s be4 who stalemates with K+Q…dont let ur insecurities control u ppl and admit weve all gone thru these phases at sme point

    What was the correct move for white after a2?

    Who noticed bots in this comment section

    what tf are with all of these weird ass pfps on Gotham's comments

    I've gotta say, for a 100 elo player black came in clutch with that pawn attack

    A checkmate from 100 elos at last? A blessing from the Lord!

    Did not know 100 Elo could be so good. Respect.

    We have a gc and some players getting 1v1 and this guy has 2400 elo lose to me in 1mingame and destroyed me in rapid 10min after some review i saw and realise that the dude is cheating he can't beat me and move like sh*t in bullet but completely destroyed me in rapid like what??? Your 2400 elo and cannot beat 1300 elo in bullet?? 😂His move in rapid are top engine moves

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