INSANE 100 Elo Chess
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thats actually impressive they knew how to do checkmate
andrea botez gameplay
Yup. I know man😭📈
Levy, I thought your videos/shorts are family friendly.
I just played 900 elo game and it had 23 blunders and 4 brilliant moves. They were no inaccuracies, mistakes or missed wins.
Blunders and top engine moves.
Me thinking that I could win with just by my king and the queen
That forced stalemate 🗿
Levy's emotional rollercoaster is on point, what a ride
Levy’s reaction😂😂
„Oh Oh Oh Oh“
~GothamChess, 2023
First pin please
I expected the guy to blunder but still got it😂
actually the move that lost was knight to e2, not king to g2, eval bar lagged there for a bit
Best move at that position was knight g3
I read “1000 ELO chess” and thoughtful it made sense, but now I saw that it’s 100… It’s very good for 100 ELO. Most players at that level blunder a piece for every move.
Just curious, but as a 600 looking to level up my skills, what would the best move be against h2 in this case?
Thats not look like 100 to me
What’s actually impressive is blacks king walking into check
As a person who has 1213 elo i can confirm thats pretty good for a 100 elo player
I just started and the game gave me a 500 elo???!!!
What could white do there?
how did you get my game im 100 elo and i played that exactly
Hi, dropped by to see if you were calling names and making fun of folks again, but I am glad to see a fun, and interesting chess experience. Cool beans.
he could've won but he placed the horse in the wrong place
"was that a miracle?"
Yes chess Jesus blessed them
How did black move twice
The way my stomach churned when I thought it was stalemate reminds me of the days I was new to chess
Night g3😐
Bro is Magnus
Looks like my endgames
Just happened
Don't take the Lord's name in vain
Meanwhile knight to g3 move crying in corner
What was my dude suppose to do there?😅
Before king g 2 he should’ve done knight g3 to pickup both
„Oh Oh Oh Oh“ ~GothamChess, 2023
After the pawn attack Knight to G3 can counter the attack. If black pushes the forward pawn then the White King takes. Then if the other pawn is pushed King goes back to G2 and if the black pawn is pushed to back rank then King or Knight takes after which it is just a matter of pushing the white pawns to queen.
The knight should've moved to g2 and that would prevent both pawns from promotion
"Oh my god…oh! Oh! Oh!"
Parents:wtf you watching…oh.
Bro plays better than me
There is no way a 100 knows deflection tactics
No it was my Stockfish XDDDDDDDD
nice mate in 38 he had for a moment
I played a game last night, my opponent had my kind pinned between h4 and h5 with his queen and bishop. Proceeded to use his rook to pick off every single pawn I had, then promote his three pawns for three more queens, then accidentally stalemated me 😂😂😂😂😂😂
the fact that these guys were 1500 is wild lmfao