INSANE 100 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments183

    Knight f4 takes pawn pawn h1 queens king h1 takes can you not do that?

    As a 100 dlo person, i can tell this is 100 elo.

    (100 elo is pretty hard lol)

    Can someone explain what white was supposed to do there? Maybe I’m just dumb but I cant see it

    You know you fu**ed up when the bar goes from full your colour to full opponent's

    Oh wow I thought it would be stalemate, what a pleasant surprise 😂

    if he shaves his beard, he is clearly walter white yo

    Close your eyes and you’ll see a completely different video.

    After pawn h2 though, isn't black wimning? Why the module says white still winning. I'm confused, how would you stop h1 if not moving king to g2?

    Sac the knight on g3 if the pawn takes you take both pawns if not take the other pawn.


    Ok, but i dont know any other move than Kg2 to stop that pawn..

    @gothamchess how can I get you to coach me
    I want to learn and be as good as you please

    How does white even win that position before the pawn fork? Ng3? The only way it seems possible to block the pawn promotion is sacrificing the knight.

    For white to block would best be ng3 or somthin

    Should make a rule where if you only have pawns and no other legal moves, its stalemate… 💀

    This is actually a 1500 from one of his GTE videos

    The less pieces there are on the board the less problems we have to worry about. Less resources to win the game though.

    the fact that these guys were 1500 is wild lmfao

    I did a discovered checkmate today and now I feel like I'm magnus

    wait if you have a guarded king shouldn't they be allowed to touch?

    I think somebody watches GothamChess.. just saying..

    I am a 0 elo player and I can tell they play double better than me

    Night g3 would have been the best move, right Levy?

    What were the right moves for white to win this game?

    I did a brilliant move at 200elo 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    Close your eyes and listen to the end of it 😂

    Wait but what was white supposed to do instead of King g2.

    Please app name i wana play with pro players 😔

    That was the smallest fork I’ve ever seen 💀💀

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