INSANE New Chess Bot

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0:00 Intro
2:00 Game 1
10:30 Game 2

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%1$ Comments880

    And the blest is blessed or whatever. Beat the bot

    When I First started I though mittens would be a good starting place

    The only safe move is this.

    gets checkmated

    Guys , you see we now have the m3gan bot which is attacking innocent cats which she sees as our enemy, so what if mittens isnt actually evil but is acting like our biggest enemy to attract m3gan , and we saw m3gan be slightly better elo then the cats it beat so the 1 elo will trick megan into attacking unprepared , so that mittens will beat megan and save the cats

    Nothing made me laugh harder than 17:55. My mans Levy just got blasted into the next dimension

    i thought mittens was for begginers before this video so i practist against mittens and always lost so i thought i was just bad

    Mittens is the literal definition of "Never let em' know your next move".

    Mittens, being a cat, plays with her pray instead of just killing it….

    Seems like Mittens is programmed to do a 180° surround before beating you. Hehehe!

    "The only safe move is this"
    * clip clop *

    It looks like I won, hehehe!

    i have beaten that bot 4 times in challenge mode

    They only made it 1 elo just so when beginners play with it they automatically lose

    Is M3gan going to eliminate mittens later this month

    i wanted to play against easy bots and i played with mittens i was like 1 isnt that gonna be ez and i lost 7 times in a row im a varsity in my school chess club so i was like am i that bad at chess

    So thats why I couldnt beat all of the cats

    Mittens is like the little brother you play with, but he has no theory or experience, so he just plays simple and somehow gets you.

    I remember in one of his chess books, Fred Reinfeld had a chapter called, "Lighting from a Clear Sky, or Slow Torture?" — Mittens clearly likes to play games of the "Slow Torture" variety.

    why watching this like i understand it while only knowing the chess rules and I am probably like 300 elo.

    POV, he’s the kid who dies when gets messi in fifa 😂

    im pretty sure it's just 3200 stockfish, i played it against 3200 stockfish and it had a draw by material with only kings left

    4:18 So? Block check with Q back to d8.

    17:55 Should´ve taken the g4 pawn with your knight. (Probably would´ve extended your suffering, though…)

    Listening to levy saying bullying martin hurts me. Yes I am low elo. Dont ask its painful

    Levy just hit a new low: milking cats for views

    Rainbowmon of the Care-monic Spirits says:

    This video was HILARIOUS – to the point I laughed so hard it hurts. Thanks for that; it's been a while since I had that good of a laugh!

    I guess it’s just me that loses against martin …

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