INSANE New Chess Bot

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0:00 Intro
2:00 Game 1
10:30 Game 2

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%1$ Comments880

    Gotham, there's a really popular game called "Battle Cats", I think Mittens is a reference to that

    i have beat mittens and this is what it said: WAAAA?! HOW!??? YOU CHEA I mean meow hehehehehehehehehehehehe

    i laughed so hard when you got mated in the second game :D. that was great. what an evil cat this is.

    I thought cat bot would just random move pieces ignoring rules

    I thought it was a esey bot because its lvl 1 and im new to chess so i thought i was so bad

    Please become Muslims to avoid hell fire.

    I tried to beat mittens with the computer giving me the best moves: still lost

    WoW!!! Those Mitten eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    "Stupid cat"
    Mittens: Chuckles "You will never have half my power"

    Levy: "I'm not scared of this stupid cat!"
    Mittens: Ages come and ages fall. But Mittens stands above them all.

    F4 COME ON
    legit had me rolling on the floor

    Stockfish plays to win.
    Mittens plays to terrify
    Humans play to ragequit.

    Stockfish can destroy Mittens, but I feel like Mittens is made to destroy humans not other bots and it plays very aggressively. Honestly, I think its comments are a hint that it is an AI that has analyzed your past games and knows how you play, so it definitely beats you.

    My friend nearly beat tye bot. He doesn't even play chess at all he is just talented af. I cant do anything to him it's like he sees in the furture?!!?

    Levy=the only safe move is this
    Mittens=are u sure about that

    That's a Kramnik-level blunder. Good lord.

    I noticed this bot and looked at his elo and chose to play so I could play cool moves because what do you expect from a 1 Elo player, but I was surprised lmao.

    11:18 " This is the position I like to get against a human being, I have more space, I have good control"

    this things seems like it preys uppon the psyche of humans
    it distracts you, it rubs it in your face, it creates diversions

    1 isn't Mittens Rating. Its How Much Time is needed to Beat you And It also is Their Rank……….IN THE WORLD

    hikaru just beat mittens and said he was expecting more from it

    Levy moving his King to a square and referring to it as his “only safe move” and then immediately getting mated will forever be one of my most favorite Gotham moments 🤣

    "The computer evaluated that my rook is so bad that it doesn't even want to take it"
    The computer is legit roasting him

    I think the reason why Mittens stopped talking to you is that it feels like you're beneath contempt. A perfectly reasonable assessment shared by all sane people.

    Mittens with only pawns against the most possible queens marting can have without a mate in one?

    This bot doesn't play with you, Mittens toys with you lol

    Bro get Hikaru get magnus get ding! GET ALPHAZERO!!

    "I throw it around the room; don't actually do that, please."

    Hilarious! Best chess video I've ever seen. So funny.

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