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In the game of Wojtaszek vs Lazavik, after …e5, why couldn't white play Qh4? This would prevent …Bh3, and also threaten the Knight.
4:53 bro forked a knight
22:53 what is the mate here? Stock fish calculates M13, but after Levy does the trades, it turns to just an advantage. Curious as to what the line is for checkmate here
L click ah mi (look at me) 😅
Got my copy yesterday, its really fun!
Just ordered your book! It'll be here tomorrow.
And he sacrificed…. THE BOOK!!!
Got my first brilliant move today 😀
Where's the sac?
Why does Levys head remind me of a pineapple? 🤔
Levy: "The most cancerous opening known to man. The Catalan"
me: "hey I played that earlier"
i thought it was a reti sideline
10:52 why is the color of the opponent that he's playing a factor in winning?
Is it Just me who is thinking about how impressive it is how Levy pronounce the Names of all These Players on His Videos everytime😂
i won today my first game against a NM
Qa1 was such a gangster move 🙏😂😂
Why is Magnus Carlsen not participating?
“such is life.”
-John Wick 4
Levy please dont feel bad or like i am insulting you brother i am very very big fan you i cant sleep without watching your videos I'm addicted to you but brother nowadays you're not getting enough views like bro 57k in 3 hr
I M watching you from long and thus views you used you get under onr hr
Everybody rooting for Zhalmakhanov
Gotta love ramzan. I truely cheer him more than i do to hikaru and the other good players. I truely want him tk win. He'd be the first Im to win this tournament, Probably, idk😭 point is, he'd be amazing. And hell probably get his gm title eventually because i mean he truely deserves it
Ramazan is 21
I would like to buy your book but I a not in the same continent😔
Regarding the last game, the top guys play in a bubble and should play more against the lower guys who are actually also talented ❤
Fuck yeah click sounds are the coolest!
Can I get your book audiobook version?
How did Vahap not see that qc3 move 😭😭😭 thats tragic
I always skip Hikaru’s part coz I watch it from the guy himself
Gotham, I wanted to say I lived your book, I got it delivered 1 week ago and I finished it in just two days. I loved it. It taught me so much and my elo went up 500 points! I’m now rated 850 because of you! Thank you Gotham!
"He's only play kathleen"
What is better?
Learn thousand punches?
Or learn one punch thousand times ?
Yoooo, kinda early, gonna watch the video, love ya levy, i already know its gonna be an incredible video.
Spends 29 minutes on a queen sac. Sad
Pre ordered it, had some shipping issues… Gets here Monday!!!!
Levy please make another chessable course
What is it about Kazakhstan that it seemingly mints great chess players?
Please more content on T1 he hit 1500
Someone watched an Indian comedian (Mr peter) pidor
apostrophe gang 😎
"Unbelievable" scratching skills, 28:29
What's wrong with the views
Vahap: gets checkmated in 15 moves
Me: first time?
"Promote to four knights, make a stalemate "
22:54 funny stuff
These titles
I'm so impressed on your pronunciation of all the chess players
Currently in NYC; hope to see you randomly ^^
Maybe I'm wrong but wouldn't rook to a2 save you? If the room takes then queen takes queen, rook can take queen back but then took takes. If queen takes instead then took to a1 attacks took thru queen?
I can't believe how easily Germany beat Germany in that first game!