Is Hikaru Cheating?? Kramnik “YES!!!”

On November 24 Kramnik tripled down on his accusations.


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#gmhikaru #chess #cheatinginchess

%1$ Comments491

    In gridiron football we commonly see our favorite athletes get CTE but this is a first I’ve seen a chess champion get CTE

    Kramnik's fight against cheaters is doomed – it's easier for them to declare him crazy – rather than lose his advantage. There are many of them – he is one. Cheaters will win – and the next time a cheater beats you, blame yourself because you didn’t support the fight

    > – 93

    Hikaru must be enjoying this at least as much as I am.

    It would be cool to say you were cheating if you didn't call out your entire thought process including 5 variations 20 moves deep before you move

    All this because ol’ Krammy got flagged in that online tournament last year. What class.

    Kramnik needs a sports psychologist desperately.

    But he is wrong, you cannot ignore the sizes of datasets and just pick subsets based on some criteria. Here is a simple argument why.

    If i have one million different kinds of dice, with different probabilities from outcomes, lets say i have weighted dice, i have dice with more than six sides and so on.

    If i throw all the individual dice 100 times each, what is the probability that one of the types of dice gives me only the same outcome for all the throws. This is NOT the same as asking what the probability of any one of them to come up with that result independently of the other series of throws.

    If he and his mathematical friends can answer what the difference between getting one anomalous result out of 1 million series of 100 throws, and getting one anomalous result for one series of 100 throws. Then they would realise that the mistake they are making in their argument is exactly analogus to the difference between the two in my example here. Just because the dice are different, that does not mean you can just look at an anomalous result afterwards and then post select only that case, and run a test on only that case, without compensation for the larger set of data the anomaly was pulled from, the reason is that any one of the million series could habe produces the anomaly and so the probability of one of them producing an anomaly is different to the probability that a spesific one would. That is rigours and unavoidable and important to learn if you are going to be an amateur data scientist. Just realize that if you don't want to do the math and learn when the example is thos difficult, that by adding adding more and more sets of 100 throws of a different die, we can bring the least likley outcome for one of the series arbitrarily close to one. That is to say that if the subset has a probability of close to zero to get a spesific result independently of the rest of the set, then we can still pretty much garuante getting one if we just consider enough subsets of the same or different type, as long as what we are doing is pointing at the kind of die that produced 100 6s in a row. This argument has absolute nothing to do with the different kinds of dice being identical or different, they can be as different as you lile or as similar as you like, the probability of getting an unlikely outcome for a subset of the whole set always depends on the size of the whole set. He is simply making a fundamental mistake.

    No one is more likely to be a cheater than the person accusing everyone else of cheating

    It’s hilarious, chess and poker have the same issues.

    Interesting that you didn’t have the same take when Magnus accused Hans

    Kramnkik is the kind of person who would even accuse stockfish of cheating because it plays so well😂

    Both of them should do rap battle, Hikaru in japanese and Kramnik in Russian.

    Damn… bro is now past the hundreds of minus rating for both his posts

    Kramnik drank too much vodka and went on a rant. He will be embarrassed when he sobers up.

    Those mathematics are CIA propaganda.

    "And that's the bottom line!" Did Hikaru watch some old WWE stuff recently? 😀

    Ok everybody, if you're playing Kramnik throw games until he goes 47.5/48

    Kramnik: "Hikaru is a cheater, Hikaru is a cheater 👿"
    Hikaru "Oh! Free youtube content! 🤑🤑🤑"

    Kramnik proves that u can be a GM while being absolutely stupid irl

    I think Kramnik has been into my weed👀😮‍💨

    Very good point. Actually his last report about players who regulary overperform in the last round of Titled Tuseday was very serious. But now it is completely overshadowed by this Hikarugate nonsense. Vlad wont be taken serously anymore.

    Russian bs contaminating everything, as usual

    Just play IRL against Kramnik and let him know on the board that he's wrong and old. 😂

    When you step into the limelight to claim someone at the top level of their field is cheating, you can't "hold back proof" for some sort of gotcha moment. If Kramnik had proof, or what he felt was proof, that should have been front and center, made the primary focus of the conversation. That drives the conversation in the proper direction — here is my proof, let's talk about what this means. Instead, Kramnik made it a personal attack without proof and it turns into a popularity contest (which he's losing horribly). Makes me wonder if he was just trying to get attention on himself for some sort of self promotion, like a book release or video series.

    Maybe Hikaru and Krmanik have planned all of this. More views for the streamer, more media coverage to a washed up has been .Nothing sells like a good controversy.

    I think at this point, Kramnik either is hallucinating and smoking something, or he realised the mistake he has made and is too deep to say he is wrong

    I never suspected Kramnik of cheating, but now that he's accusing everyone else, it seems like he's playing a grandmaster level of projection.

    I’m a professional data and business analyst . I can fully say with my professional experience with data , that Hikaru has not cheated . With all the analysis I have performed with my skills.

    Bad situation but now Hikaru knows how it feels to be in a Hans situation.

    Thinking back to Magnus' comment about how Kramnik thinks he knows everything and will never admit that he's wrong, this behavior makes sense. I'm not exactly a psychologist, but it seems pretty clear to me that Kramnik is a narcissist.

    you've shown through this video the maturity and clarity that lacks in Kramnik. it's crazy how some people take something for a fact and blindly defend it instead of having a critical and impartial judgement on a subject

    To be wrong is human. Everyone can be wrong. What shows character is if you can admit when you're wrong.

    Cheating would just slow Hikaru down. I get the feeling he'd be bored, annoyed and frustrated going through all the nonsense involved in cheating. I find his response to Kramnik to be truly refreshing and even friendly. Wonderful.

    I gave Hikaru a plate of corn muffins to paint my chicken coop and he never did it.

    My "secret" sources have "secret" statistics that "secretly" prove Hikaru is "secretly" cheating.

    “If you don’t get to make an accusation when you are not an expert” Hikaru.

    Is Hikaru an expert compared to Kramnik? Because he and someone else falsely accused someone last year without a proof? It’s pretty simple isn’t it.

    Hikaru should be ashamed of what he did last year soa should kramnik be

    I think kramnik should publish the analysis properly and then we can look at the arguments spawning his words. I presume that when he says mathematicians have looked at it, that he gave them the full problem and so on, or that he had them do the work like they would for a paper in applied maths for some real world problem. If not then it isn't really good enough to claim some sort of significant result.

    What should happen is that kramnik publishes his analysis, we publicly or privatley(in a collegial way) peer review it with proper experts and then the result of that process has some credibility. I hope i don't need to convince Kramnik that disputes about applies statistics happen all the time in science and different methods sometimes give different answers and that is fine, it is just a situation where more rigours review and work needs to happen before anyone should take the conclusions seriously.

    I just don’t get why Kramnik is attacking Hikaru, of all people, on this issue. And that he deletes and ignores anything that is contrary to his conclusion is concerning.

    Kramnik, please, don’t become another Bobby Fischer, not like this.

    Watch kramnik challange Hikaru to a "no cheating" 1 v 1 over the board. And Hikaru go 45.5/46 😂

    Hikaru, maybe it's possible for you to arrange a real mathematician to explain those things in details in a video with you? That would be huge.

    This time it seems it is the accuser that might have something up their rear.

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