Italian Game for Black [20-Minute Chess Opening Crash Course]

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🔹 Learn the Italian Game in 20 Minutes [Chess Opening Crash Course] –

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov gives you a quick crash course on one of the most popular chess openings, the Italian Game (for Black), which happens after the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4.

You will learn the Giuoco Piano variation after Black plays 3…Bc5, and the most common responses of White after that. You will also learn some of the key ideas, common attacking plans, and traps.

► Chapters

00:00 Italian Game For Black [Opening Crash Course]
00:40 Italian Game: Giuoco Piano 3…Bc5
02:30 1) 5.d4, Classical Variation, Center Attack
04:17 Do NOT fall for this trap!
08:43 If White covers the check with Bd2
10:02 2) 5.d3, Classical Variation, Giuoco Pianissimo
13:11 If White retreats with Bb3-Bc2
14:41 Powerful kingside attack
17:20 Attacking plan if White plays Re1
20:00 Final variation: If White stops Ng4 with h3
22:20 Popular queen trap (poisoned pawn)

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%1$ Comments111

    Can you make a video about evans gambit accepted. That would be great

    I play the Italians (I am 1500-1600 in bullet) my highest winning % of ANY opening is the Jerome gambit. 71% win rate

    Unless you know the defense to the line you will likely misplay it.

    This is the only chess Channel i watch.

    It seems most people play Knight g5 before pawn c3. Would like to see a video on that.

    Please bring more such crash courses on scandanavian defense and London system too

    Thanks. I've been struggling against the Italian for eternity since every e4 plebs play the opening. Nice guy. When is he getting a wife & surpassing Levy Rozman?

    7:29 what if the knight takes f7? It's free pawn for them else you get checkmated

    just another great video you made here thank you!!

    What happens when they push e5 after exd4?

    What would you recommend against white playing bishop to e3 to attack blacks attacking bishop? I get this a lot and a trade opens up the F file for them, giving them a good attacking postion on the kings defence.

    @15:24 White can sac the knight there for the initiative. Nxg5 hxg5, Bxg5 Rg8, Bh4 Bxh3, and the game continues. Black has some counter play there but the pin on the knight is very annoying and difficult to get rid of.

    I always get amused when he calls the bishop italian at 5:33.

    How to counter other gambit tries from white (Mainly the evans gambit but also more dubious ones like the Jerome)

    this was my first video i watched on this channel .you are really nice teacher i just subscribed and will be your regular viewer

    Maybe you should rename your video to "Italian game, Giuoco Pianissimo, with a6" I just checked lichess and that's a real name of the opening.

    Love you sir ,with your crash course my opening concept has now clear vision , thanks GM Igor Smirnov sir 🎉❤ It's always interesting and fantastic to go through your videos. You r doing best humanitarian chess study coaching free for poor asian chess players,my deepest gratitude and hat's off🎉🎉🎉🙏🙏 Pl post QGD course from both sides similarly as nearly 80% Asians loose chess games in opening itself 🎉❤

    What if he simply retreats the queen back to b3 in the Bd2 line, its simply a draw

    Good video, that's the first time I ever heard the term hiding bishop other than myself

    What do you do when they play D5 after you play E4?

    dude people may say they dont like the long videos. but if you ever make a long one, i would love it. More info the better

    He mentions moving the Bishop from c4 to b3 so it has a retreat square in case the knight attacks it. Wouldn't be better first to move the a pawn up so that the bishop can retreat to a2 and still attack the critical f7 square without retreating into being useless?

    One thing missing in this analysis comes after:
    1. e4 e5

    2. Nf3 Nc6

    3. Bc4 Bc5

    4. c3 Nf6

    5. d4 exd4

    6.cxd4 Bb4+

    7. Nc3 Nxe4
    8. O-O
    This position is at 4:23 in the video. Instead of playing Nxc3, Black can also play Bxc3. 9. bxc3 no longer creates the same danger for Black that 8. … Nxc3 created.

    After 8. … Bxc3 9. bxc3, Black wins 53% of the time, compared to 42% for White. (Had Black played Nxc3, 0. bxc3 results in a 63% win rate for White, compared with only 35% for Black.) The best moves from that point for both players are:
    8. … Bxc3
    9. d5 (This works better for White than bxc3, and he will get the piece back. Black cannot defend both the Knight and the bishop.)
    … Bf6
    10. Re1 (Now, Black cannot defend the knight on e5. The best he can do is to save the other knight.)
    … Ne7 (Saving the queen's knight and relieving the pin on e5. White must now take the knight before it slips away.)
    11. Rxe5 d6 (Preparing to deploy the light-square bishop)
    White controls more space at this point, but Stockfish shows Black with the edge with the extra pawn. IMHO, it is much easier to play this sequence if you haven't got all the right moves memorized.

    very instructiv, clear and interessting! Thank you from Germany

    What about Nd2? (Instead Nf3 in the first example)

    Great! I am always struggling with black. Hopefully I will do better from now on.

    On minute 9:49 there is a blunder in analyses. After queen b5 black loses the knight and probably the game.

    Thank you for your time oh wise and mighty one for your time.

    On the end game, yes, a single Knight will defeat a single Bishop in my experience.

    How about Qb5 +,& trapping knight at 9.46 time.

    Thank you GM Igor for the great chess teachings :)…👏👏👏

    Hey Igor! Don't worry about the length of this video–it is a POEM!! I want to watch it a few more times! Please keep it available!!

    I appreciate you a lot, but I also want to ask you do do you explanations a little bit slower

    I love fried liver attack as black, that leads to super sharp tactical Positions.

    Thank you for the explanations behind the moves. GREAT Video!!

    That video is a piece of shit, rename it : how to play the italian for back WITH BISHOP C5.

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