Kramnik Doubles Down On Chess Cheating Accusation
Vladimir Kramnik doubles down on chess cheating accusation against Hikaru Nakamura.
#chesscheating #hikaru #kramnik
What Vlad says amounts to "guilty until proven innocent!" .. basically
If he was cheating I think he'd throw a game or two. Isn't it time for Kramnik to go to the front lines?
Vlad the Accuser is probably impressed by the wrong type of statistics. Hikaru's performance is indeed highly unlikely, because he is so f-ing good, but it is even more unlikely that he cheats.
old man yells at a cloud
The fact these 46 games were streamed live, with all the usual Hikaru explanations, arrows, thought process etc whilst playing FM's and IM's against a top 3 player in the world in FIDE ratings, well, Kramnik has just lost it. Its fairly evident he's not cheating, what, because he listened to some music in headset during a stream thats then posted to youtube without the music, sometimes the music gets left in and/or you can hear whats playing as he sings along lmao, the whole accusation is ridiculous.
Perhaps Kramnik's follies will bring chess cheating under a sharper spotlight.
I have no doubt that there are a lot of people cheating. It's why I stopped playing online too. But not Hikaru. Unless you want to argue that Hikaru is a noodle-eating chess computer.
Might be Alzheimer's
I don’t think Hikaru is a cheater. I think that both Magnus and Hikaru have reached a point where they are like mythical legends, that’s the level they have reached in the Chess World. They are just built different.
When someone asks you who is the rival of Magnus? You think of Hikaru. And you think that Hikaru has only one final boss – Magnus.
These guys are like the Kings of Chess. That’s my take.
I don't think it is insane to call Hikaru's freakish success in online chess into question. But I really don't think this streak is that crazy. His opponents were obviously strong but were each significantly weaker than Hikaru. There is also a mental factor that comes into play when somebody continues to dominate you game after game, and I think each of those guys eventually went on tilt during those 46 games and put up less and less resistance. Also, Hikaru didn't play very well during many of those games. He definitely blundered in ways that should have lost him several of those games but ended up swindling his opponents in classic Hikaru fashion. Just don't see it here.
the idea that hikaru cheated is as ridiculous as the idea that hans niemann cheated. even if you favor the other, the rules should apply same for everyone.
Dude on Putin’s payroll spreading stink on the reputation of an American superstar? Hmmm.
Doubled Down!! Let's GO! 🏃♂
Watch Hikaru's video on it. Made Kramnik look like a fool.
Let's see what happens in the next round but, first round was a knockdown.
I think Hikaru is legit, but from now on, him and all of these chess streamers should be required to have a second camera and stream that as well so we can see their monitor and desk. This way, no one can question the authenticity of the games played online. He should also get rid of the headset. Then no one can question anything!
, Sats, and Lies !!
omg. don't people understand ? did they never hear of popeye and spinach ? when hikaru eats ramen, he is unstoppable
here's a bonus fact: at the time controls under which hikaru typically plays, cheating is basically impossible. so, when you're talking about "balance of probabilities", use ALL the terms in the equation. otherwise, the result is nonsense
Hikaru has always been a great player streaming daily for hours only enhances his performance. Maybe kramnik is jealous of how popular Hikaru has become but it makes no sense for the man to cheat
Not sure what type of statistics he's using but Hikaru was losing in quite a few of those games. All you need is stockfish to check his play. Hikaru won a few of those losing position because his opponent was short on time and blundered.
Eating noodles while he plays!? Come on…. let's be reasonable here. They accused Hans N of having chess playing beads where the sun don't shine. The man obviously got chess tips from the noodles? And do you think Hans N would be allowed headphones during his games? F*** NO. Maybe we should send someone to scan the GM eating noodles to make sure there are no beads up his nether region. Karma…. what goes around, comes around.
It seems like someone has lied on their resume and finally got a job as Kramnik's mathematician😂
I guess Kramnik's life has been quite depressing for the past year.
Kramnik is a dolt. So there’s that too.
Statistics are often misleading: has nobody learnt anything from the whole Covid vaccination debacle yet?
kramnik is just jealous because hikaru can draw arrows faster than him
It’s cool Eric & Aman’s channel got named dropped, but I agree that Epic Chess should’ve gotten some ink too.
On the subject of Hikaru, I once watched him go on and on about “fresh fruit” while simultaneously absolutely dismantling every player he faced. Hikaru is a beast…he can eat noodles, talk about random shit, listen to music, etc. while totally annihilating people on a chess board. He and Magnus are the best in the world…at a board game. It’s not impossible that he would go on a 45.5 game streak without cheating.
If Hikaru really has a 90% winning record against players of this level, a streak like this is not unusual at all. The probability of this happening starting with a specific game would be 46*0.1*0.9^45, about 4%. This is in the same ballpark of 5 reds in a row in roulette (3%). Now go to a casino and watch one roulette table for a night. You will not have to wait very long to see a streak of 5 reds.
It seems very unlikely given the level of opponents Nakamura was playing, and close examination of his levels of play each time, some with mistakes and losing positions and opponents blundering, missing chances to win. But Nakamura himself was quick to accuse a year ago, and clearly enjoyed it…
Karmnik is old fart doesn't understand math and statistics. Hikaru is beast and Kram can't handle it.
Hans N. must be smiling right now. You know what they say about Karma? It is a b****. I remember last year, several prominent GMs were having a good laugh at the expense of Hans (who was having some sort of emotional disturbance at the time…. on camera for all to see). Some good advice… don't throw stones, no matter what (but especially if you live in a glass house)!!
It's the Russians. All of them are Russians. They all get drunk and jabber amongst themselves and do what Russians always do. They ruin everything that they attach themselves to.
Lance Armstrong won 6 tour de France, yes he was cheating and riders knew.
"If you torture the data long enough, it will confess." ~ Ronald Coase
You obviously dont understand. Kramnik like Niemann are just bringing attention to themselves. Villain sell, attention is everything today!!!
No proof so go home and stfu
"Stats can mislead the truth of the matter". Kind of like when Hikaru was POURING over those BS stats about Hans from that nobody guy/girl? What was your take on that? You have Hikaru vision. SUPER biased in favor of someone you like.
A performance at the top 1% level, when he's already the 99.99 percentile isn't an anomaly lol.
If Hikaru is cheating, why does he still get spanked by Magnus? Is Magnus better than SF?
Vlad may be one of the greatest chess players of all time, but he doesn't understand statistics or probability theory, unfortunately.
They’re outliers. And that happens in the natural world regardless of what statistics say the probability is.
You're the one tunnel visioned. "Just forget the statistics for a second, the man's eating noodle after all". Kramnik's words are quite balanced. You're the one focused on more.
I think too many people equate low probability with No Probability
1) I learned a new phrase today "no one is Cesar's wife".
2) Yesterday I was met with blank stares as I told my non chess playing family that the chess world was a buzz. I expect to get the same reaction today : )
3) Thank you for covering this issue, please continue to update your subscribers.
These kinds of amateur statistical errors are often presented at trial as “there’s a 1 in a trillion chance the DNA match was coincidental.” The math sounds right unless you know what you’re talking about.
So how is he cheating ? Does he have Alpha Zero on hand when he’s calculating Blitz or Bullet games how does anyone have time to cheat in between moves ?
One other aspect of the 46 games was that Hikaru was getting smashed a few times but managed to time out his opponent. That is not reflected in win/loss statistics. the other aspect is when you play short time format games, lower ranked players will make mistakes, especially in time trouble and end games.
One other aspect of the 46 games was that Hikaru was getting smashed a few times but managed to time out his opponent. That is not reflected in win/loss statistics. the other aspect is when you play short time format games, lower ranked players will make mistakes, especially in time trouble and end games.
One other aspect of the 46 games was that Hikaru was getting smashed a few times but managed to time out his opponent. That is not reflected in win/loss statistics. the other aspect is when you play short time format games, lower ranked players will make mistakes, especially in time trouble and end games.