Kramnik vs. Jospem + Norway Chess
Watching Clash of Claims match between Vladimir Kramnik and Jose Martinez Alcantara aka Jospem
also watching Norway Chess 2024 final round
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For social media use Wildr, it’s non-toxic
Kramnic is right about the guy who cheated at the game's. at games jospem fuond hard move but in this he can't
Kramnik complained about something at the end? Never saw that coming.
Anish, consider that GPTs and LLMs need to have cache too if you ask the same questions (otherwise one can overload them easily, like a manual Denial of Service). So if you ask the same, they reply mostly the same.
Further if the training data emphasizes the 20%, they will pick that value more often.
Like what is the chance to have Anish as chess world champion? 20%
Love that they did do a lot of increment in the online portion so Kramnik doesnt complain about getting flagged and what does Kramnik do?
Complain about how Jospem went from 6 seconds to 20 seconds in a couple moves… 🤦♂🤦♂
a) we need more of those matches. Yes they are blitz but it is a ton of moves, still good.
b) Jospem was affected by Kramnik crying.
c) nice stream
d) Deep Blue cannot run on modern CPUs not GPUs. It was using lots of specialized chips.
f) it is not a good replication of TT settings, still nice though.
Yes, it's all very clear to me. I mean, I couldn't even find some of these moves in classical. Yeah, accuracy about 90%. Makes sense. Let's go ahead and do the procedure.
🎉KRAMNIK vs Chess com 1:0
jospem was wrong to agree to changing the rules. Kramnik forfeited. The end.
Let's do the procedure
Trying to follow Norway chess, I was hit every day by that annoying voice of a guy who does not have anything to say anyway in official stream. BUT
today I stumbled upon a stream of that other guy, who is really knowledgeable about chess and perfectly funny. Lucky me, thank you!
"The Procedure" is the Phil Hellmuth of chess.
You saw inadequacy in opponents' timers (how much time left and how quick Kramnik was playing for the time he had) and still blame him for making up things /facepalm/
It doesn't prove Kramnik claims are ridiculous. It proves he's right.
Firstly Kramnik can complain if the time setup is not the same as Titled Tuesday.
Secondly, if the scores was 3.5 and 4.5 for jospem until stream ended, beating Kramnik every time in titled Tuesday it proves it's cheating when this shows clearly that's 50/50 chance of winning for either. How can jospem have complete winning advantage from begining to end in TT when here we can see it's always fluctuates and it's sometimes losing and sometimes winning. So clearly he does blunder.
But anyways, it's true that the time control should be the same as TT to make definite proof, but nice stream anyways.
Didnt Kramnik accuse him for cheating at some point?
I like this Kramnik vs Jospem format.
Also how come Jospem isnt crushing him like online and even have less time even in the 2nd online game
Kramnik shit his pants basically
I am curious how it will turn out. Online, Jospem has a 9-1 lead over Kramnik; here, they seem roughly equal. It's too early to tell even with Kramnik leading, but INTERESTING results nonetheless
A lot of games went: Kramnik got an advantage and could not convert under time pressure. Under 3+1 and online this would only get more pronounced. Prob without the break and online as planned Jospem would be in the lead. And if it would be 3+1 as we should compare Jospem would be in pretty clear lead.
TT 3+1
Kramnik asked for 3+2….
Jospem – ok.
Play board and online 50/50. failed
Kramink: Lets continue over the board!
Jospem: ok…
Respect Jose !!!!
Dis for VB, organisers …
Jospem is definitely not even close the same as online
28:16 boom
how about that Krammik? in your face!
Jospecito 🇵🇫🇲🇽
Привет, Аниш! Родненький!
I just had a crazy dream anish
The clown got clowned. What was kramnik trying to prove
do not sh on claims when you have no idea what is going on
Where is chessable logo
I absolutely love this stream. I didn't manage to catch it live unfortunately. But seriously fantastic!!!
He's probably blocked Jospem again right after he quit.
Привет Аниш)
Anish you should play in Norway
no we are not live mr anish
Kramnik doth protest too much
The stream layout sucks man
Let's do the procedure
Krammik will do some paper work
Tournament over ?
Kramnik has no class and he's also delusional 🙄. He's now a laughing stock.
Hi Anish
lol bro is mad for no reason
I said from the start that Kramnik has a mental health issue and that content creators shouldn't platform him or organize these kinds of tournaments.
it proves Krmainicks' claims are ridiculous
Yo mods, during the whole stream there were some racist comments and you didn't do anything about it. Does Anish really tolerate antisemitism in his chat? This is very disturbing.
2:25:55 Qf4 threatens to trap the knight with f3, and wins a pawn.
1:57:50 for the Giri book recommendations
This Kramnik thing accusing everybody of cheating is all a big confusion caused by the fact that he doesn't know what drag and drop is😂
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that mocking Kramnik won't work you drawish machine.