Learning from MAGNUS to be GM!!!!!
This is Road to GM Episode 15.
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"I know you like Magnus"
"What do you do next??" that's the best question your trainer can give you. Sometimes you are too posiitional and less tactical. You stop analyzing the position and discard the ideas cause you do not calculate further. Also you discard the ideas with abstract thoughs like this: "It looks good" "It seem like I cant advance, Is too slow"… but you do not give concrete moves that support why you discarded the idea. I think this advaced calcultaion mentallity of going further is why you lack… Still I think you are on track to achieve it
levy cant stop milking magnus
a uaef
@1:22 4 seconds into Neiksans explaining the position, Levy already spaced out 😀 haha – Enjoyed the lesson! Keep it coming 🙂 Rooting for you, Levy
i guess out of content
Notice how by using Magnus in your title your viewership just went up😂😂
levy fails to milk magnus
Cool one even i can learn
Yes, listening in on a GM lesson with an IM is fantastic. Very educational
love it!
Magnus never fails to milk learning
gotham clickbait chess
"I know you like magnus" *Levy blushing with his hands on his cheeks like a school girl: 0w0
finally back to magnus milking was missing this so much , everything is back to normal now
had to dislike for the milking of magnus and no magnus.
Magnus Carlsen has just released a new video featuring Gotham chess
This is making my brain hurt. Where How to lose at chess?
Please make full lesson available to Chessly subscribers.
On my opinion your playstyle and Magnus' is kinda different. Youre like a Tal player with all this cheeky plans, but its not bad learning from the GOAT
Cool. Subscribed to patreon
This is awesome Levy!
Gm to levy
Your are very slow
..Levy hold on, at minute 2:17, white can simply capture on b6, Bxb6, then Rb8, pinning the bishop to the rook, right, then what about Rxe8+, Rook has to take, then white will be up a pawn…if I'm not mistaken…
Levy: "I finally became a grandmaster!!!!"
Levy never fails to Magnus Levy, Magnus might not be Levy but Levy never Levy Magnus ❤
This is really good stuff
Hey Gotham! Just wanted to leave a nice comment, I love your content❤
This was really amazing stuff .. thanks a lot Gotham
So if I play like Magnus, I can become a GM?
This was awesome more please!!
Magnus teaching Levy : "Just play good chess lol"
Gm=Gotham minister 😂
And I thought magnus was personally going to teach him, ffs
I am not interested in actually playing chess, but looking at the position, pausing and treating it as a little brain teaser was quite enjoyable.
I've been thinking this for a while but I really do think Levy has really good intuition, but lacks the process, which is what his coach is bringing to him. Like, he can feel that certain moves might be good to do at some point but can't articulate why, and his coach is helping him to proceduralise his intuition so that he knows why and when certain moves are good for the overall plan.
The audacity
Loving the road to GM videos. I believe they will help all player without a title looking to gain one.
Now i see how much patience you need to coch someone.
Learn from Hans to be objective.
1h ago!
Create first fresh peace of content in decades❌
Milk magnus for 1000000000th tiime ☑️
when are you going to make a video on the hikaru alireza drama? you were milking hans like crazy was hoping ud make one for this too
who is this guy he is not magnus
Absolutely love this. Need more
Magnus is milking GothamChess for content
For a moment I thought Magnus would be coaching Levy 😂
Levy never fails to milk Magnus for content lmao
Thanks for sharing this insightful and informative discussion with your coach. 😄