Level Up Your Chess with Wesley So’s Genius Play

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So, Wesley (2761) – Shankland, Sam (2710)
American Cup | Champions (chess24.com) [4] 2023.03.19

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Be7 5.O-O O-O 6.Nc3 d6 7.a4 Na5 8.Ba2 Nc6 9.h3 Be6 10.Bxe6 fxe6 11.Ne2 a5 12.Ng3 d5 13.c3 Nd7 14.Re1 d4 15.cxd4 exd4 16.e5 Nc5 17.Ne4 Qd5 18.Bg5 Bxg5 19.Nfxg5 Nxe4 20.Rxe4 h6 21.Nf3 Rf5 22.Rc1 Raf8 23.Qe2 Rf4 24.Rc4 Rxe4 25.Qxe4 Rd8 26.Kf1 Rd7 27.Ke2 Kf8 28.h4 Ke7 29.Qh7 Kf7 30.h5 Kf8 31.Qh8+ Kf7 32.Qh7 Kf8 33.Kf1 Kf7 34.b3 Kf8 35.Qh8+ Kf7 36.Qa8 Ke7 37.Qg8 Nxe5 38.Rxd4 Qc6 39.Qxg7+ Nf7 40.Rxd7+ Qxd7 41.Ne5 Qe8 42.g4

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:40 Game Starts!
01:30 Completely New Game!
04:35 Pause the Video!
06:38 Pause the Video 2!
08:20 It was in this position!
10:25 Contributions!


The American Cup is an 8-player double elimination knockout taking place from 17-26 March in the St. Louis Chess Club. The matches will be played over two classical (90min + 30s increment) games in the Champions and two rapid (25+10) games in the Elimination bracket. If tied, rapid (10+5) playoffs are held and, if still tied, an Armageddon game (5 vs 4 minutes, with draw odds for Black).

In the end the winner of the Champions bracket will face the winner of the Elimination bracket. If the Champions bracket winner loses, a second match is played. Official website:

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Video created by OBS

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%1$ Comments69

    Good analysis Agadmator !!! You deserve to be a GM

    Alexander Alekhine vs M Prat
    "Pratfall", Alekhine announces mate in 10 after queen sacrifice.
    Simul, 16b (1913) (exhibition), Cafe de la Regence, Paris FRA, Sep-10

    1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. c4 e6 4. Nc3 dxc4 5. e3 Nf6 6. Bxc4 Bb4
    7. O-O Bxc3 8. bxc3 O-O 9. Qc2 Ne7 10. Ba3 c6 11. e4 h6
    12. Rad1 Bd7 13. Ne5 Re8 14. f4 Qc7 15. f5 Rad8 16. Nxf7 Kxf7
    17. e5 Neg8 18. Bd6 Qc8 19. Qe2 b5 20. Bb3 a5 21. Rde1 a4
    22. Qh5+ Nxh5 23. fxe6+ Kg6 24. Bc2+ Kg5 25. Rf5+ Kg6 26. Rf6+
    Kg5 27. Rg6+ Kh4 28. Re4+ Nf4 29. Rxf4+ Kh5 30. g3 1-0

    "…and Qf8 will be checkmate, that's a big deal" Lololol…you're so awesome Antonio

    Nothing good ever happens when you give the opponents queen full activity along your back rank.

    My favorite part is always the stop the video moment

    Who would Win in a chess match between Magnus Carlsen and God?

    Can you find Sam's best game? It seems like whenever he shows up he loses on this channel.

    I have to say this is pound for pound my favorite channel. I get a quality run down near everyday of a Master's match. It has helped me a lot by always watching

    I found the move but not with such deep analysis! But I was happy for sure

    #suggestion Just wanted you to know that this video and your previous video are not listed under "Chess Daily Videos" on the main page for your Youtube Channel. They can only be seen by going off the main page to the "Videos" section. I wouldn't have known the last 2 videos existed if it weren't for Youtube's suggestions, and I doubt I'm the only one. I thought you would want to know so you don't miss out on views. Sorry if you explained this somewhere and I missed it.

    Honestly,, when the white queen made it to the back rank it became so unconventional that my pathetic normal brain could simply not follow.

    So what happened to Sam this game? Wesley got him.

    #suggestion any games by Kenneth Rogoff – Harvard professor, American economist, and grandmaster. Apparently drew a game against Tal according to his wikipedia

    3:15 I was wondering why Black didn't take the pawn with N×e5, but I think it's because White can regain the pawn by trading Knights with N×e6 Q×Ne6 Qe2 aRe8 Re1 Rf5 f4! R×f4? R×Ne5

    Instead of Qa8, what does the engine say about Qc8? I found both since they threaten the b7 pawn, and then found the Qg8 as it is decisive… but what does the engine say about Qc8?

    Yees! Got another PTV. The poor knight has few squares and the pawns are weak.

    There are a lot of positions where giving up a pawn for development is the way To go because opponents risk getting the piece that took pawn out of position the rest of the game

    Thank you, Agadmator, for bringing us such wonderful games.

    When in doubt repeat the position play another move and maybe you might realize that you are the one that can make a move. If your opponent can only wait for you to move the game forward you might be winning but it’s rapid game there’s not much time to think. Better than bullet but not quite as free as classical.

    Can anyone tell me the name of the database/website created by a user for agadmator that categorizes all his videos according to players or openings please. Thanks in advance.

    Hello agadmator

    Yours analysis are so brilliant

    Can we see an analysis video with different chess board theme

    The current one look kinda old

    Spassky and Wesley So play preposterous chess. These 2 are so talented but not focused on chess

    #suggestion Emanuel Lasker vs Carl Schlechter | World Chess Championship 1910 | Game 10

    It's been over 4 weeks since I've made this request, I'm waiting, ever so patiently 😢

    I have played this game at move 12 before so it is not a new game 😢

    Wesley So's such a genius he might be able to explain to Space Ice the position of the chess pieces in the Steven Seagal film End Of A Gun: "Why are three pawns all in a row on the far right?! And the same ** on the left! Not only do I have no idea why anyone would ever do that, but why would BOTH players do it?!"

    Finding the win after Sam played A5 is pure genius, I would have resigned.

    Giouco piano is 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 :p

    Man everyone is dunking on people named Sam lol

    looking forward to whichever future player gets the nickname "the Master of Chess". (I reckon they'd start a game with b4, just quietly)

    Magnus carlsen doesn't play this tournament

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