Levy Reacts to Magnus Carlsen’s “Controversial” Comments

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%1$ Comments300

    I was already thinking about cricket before you made the comparison and the problems chess faces are similar. Stubborn organisational bodies, too many tournaments, obvious financial payoffs for players to focus on short forms of the game. For most international teams even it’s completely unviable to play test matches.

    Still there are purists who prefer the long form and see it as the pinnacle of the sport. This isn’t a criticism either, I’m one of them! It’s not good for sponsors as you say, nor does it attract much new interest to the game. Let’s be real, the best advertisement for chess ended up being a Netflix drama.

    This is totally off-topic, Levy, but could you show us a fischer random game with two engines fighting each other?
    It would be amazing to see which one could adapt the quickest.

    levy said too many events too many times that it was too many times said too many events

    Just focusing on what I prefer to watch… I prefer spectating/watching normal chess starting positions of any time control over watching 960. Of the normal starting position chess, i like to watch rapid or longer over 5min or less time controls. If i had to choose, game in 60 would prob be my ideal length (30 min each). Who am I? Nobody. Just one of the nameless low elo chess enjoyers. This is what i would watch and enjoy most.

    I used to sniff at 960 but I love it now.

    Players like WC Ding falling off the board constantly in 960 is an intriguing feat of the format but way more importantly, I've started beating players several hundreds of points above my weight. So yeah. 960!

    I thought my browser was broken, but you had just put a video inside a browser inside the video inside my browser.

    One of the things I liked about the tournament, was the discussion of the openings between players beforehand. It reminds me of the coolingdown room in F1.

    Interesting sidenote: In both cases, the commentators make the mistake of talking through it, while it is the only moment where we, as spectators, can really get an insight of what goes on in the players'/drivers' mind.

    in snooker there can be also easily 8 hours long match

    I hate openings! Having to memorize moves instead of thinking about them is the reason I don't want to play anymore.

    Levy not beating the allegations of not being able to not include Magnus in his videos for a long period of time

    That aside, this is a well-needed update. I usually watch your recaps and stories, not knowing whatever's going on in the chess scenes.

    Sometimes Levi’s introduction increases my elo +50

    How long before someone memorizes openings for all 960 positions -.-

    – Shorter time controls: more appealing to audiences, broadcasters and sponsors
    – More Fischer Random: less reliance on opening prep.
    – Open, tennis-style tournament and ranking system: more fairness and more clarity around the chess calendar.

    Even cricket has a "World Cup" for its shortened versions of the game, completed on the same afternoon/evening.

    Hey levy, how about a new format of chess where all the pawns are valued at 9 and the rest of the pieces are 1 and the last pawn standing wins; let's call it for fcuks sake sack the queen already-chess


    Discarding regular chess in favor of Freestyle chess (regardless of time control) would disconnect top level chess from casual, pop culture chess in a way that will be detrimental to the integrity of the game on a long term basis

    I like the idea of a freestyle chess, however I dont like to watch but it should definetly exist! About what is interesting for me the pinnacle for of the last few years was Hikaru Magnus blitz match. It does not get better than this. Rivalry, extremely high level chess, drama, intensity…. When there is Magnus Hikaru game the world stops 🙂

    Even your voice is down but you speak truth

    Everything could be fixed in 1 week if FIDE wanted to.
    As long as FIDE makes money things will keep going as they are

    Bobby Fisher used to talk about this for years, where chess has become memorization game, the same reason why he left, FIDE need to organise another category on "random chess", for someone like Magnus or any players with pure tactical

    chess is too long game to watch and there is golf

    they trying to censor fischer name 📣

    hmm for chess growth, u need more events, regardless if one can follow or not

    There should be tournaments starting from move 6 or 10 for instance. Like a pirc defence or Scandinavian tournament

    I wonder how different games like Shogi and Go handle this issue, if possible would want to know more about that and is there something we can gain from it for our game

    I hope u read this Levy because you asked me of my opinion

    I feel like we should be able to make all chess possible without killing off other chess systems no matter what the issue is whether its prep (people will always prep and nowadays that included an engine but complaining that back then you had a chance that them preparing made a mistake but u could also argue that for yourself every time you have white and also you can use engines in other ways too so excluding them just for prep isn’t logical and fair)

    Being able to host all kinds of chess tournaments should be possible even if Fide is completely against it because you can just invent a new Elo System and maybe even a new organisation

    Then there’d be old school chess and modern chess tournaments completely independent from each other so your rating suffers only from whatever system you prefer
    Like playing in the other system wouldnt hurt your rating

    And we’d be able to put both in respectable perspectives as well and we could hold annual tournaments where top players from new system clash against old

    Lets make history
    You are one of the few with the reach (to other chess pros and to many people)
    To actually realise some sort of revolution that would make a lot of things better for a lot of people

    And with my idea both dont interfere with each other

    19:05 Some people might want to watch a 7-hour-long game. But I'm sure as hell they don't have the physical ability to. We go to school/work/both, we have hobbies, friends. We can't afford to spend 7 hours watching chess.

    Another aspect to be considered might be not providing bonus time to players after the 40th move or whatever. This will force the game to end in the span of 3 hours and it can't be prolonged. This will make the game more commercially feasible because you have a starting point and you have a fixed ending pont.

    You dont watch comments here on youtube, so dont say to comment

    bro thank you for teaching me alien gambit i just beat someone with it

    True is football world champions dont get much money at all, on the other hand Champions league, local league etc. is what makes the money. The FIFA world football championship is just for status really.

    I don't know how you couldn't love Fisher Random. I could never get my head into learning openings and so I never played chess for decades. I want to play chess me against the guy on the other side of the board with time limits not a game of prepared moves and memory for 30 moves, personally I find that boring. I loved the Goat challenge.

    Classical chess has to be protected for whatever the price is.

    "Play the game as perfectly as possible" = computers changed the nature of the game. The goal in doing anything exactly like a computer seems to eliminate the human element. I enjoy watching recaps and analysis but watching live chess really is watching grass grow.

    Had to pause here to respond to the comment at 11:30. I 100% agree, Fischer random seems like a huge win for top level chess, but for the 99% I don’t think it’s “needed”. I loved watching the games and seeing people like Caruana make a mistake on move 2, like us 😂

    The Tennis system is a good one, and would make sense really. Maybe with an every 4 year super World championship?

    Seems to me a heiarchical system of tournaments would qualify players to freely go up or down the scale with a pinacle match at the top. Keep the tournament open but of limited size and have more of them as quality and demand need. A simple and consistent format with a variety of types of chess.
    How about a siamese championship? How about a Kreigspeil tournament? What about blind-fold or double blindfold events? I personally like physical over-the-board chess as it is a social and psychological event rather than just online – but a mix could work as well. Chess960 I am not a fan of but then I am a 1600 level player that loves the beauty of the game and 960 seems to mess that up to me. Another key i think is a standard and simple universal rating system. Jus sayin.

    100% agree. I want to follow these events live but no way I have 8 hours a day free or the patience to wait 30 minutes for a move that is part of opening preparation. The argument for long classical chess has always been to showcase the highest level possible. But If we wanted that, we would just watch chess engines drawing each other, it is so outdated. But FIDE will never change, why would they agree to lose influence.

    I love how you became the biggest chess channel and thought "I don't wanna stop here, I wanna change the chess world!" Kudos to you! I agree with everything ❤ I hope you can find the right doors for this new chess world to happen!

    I'm a 1600 who almost never watches events because they're too long, but rapid chess is definitely more easy to watch, and also the, say, 25 minutes format you gave as an example at some point.

    Let's bring chess to the new century!

    New format:
    Take a random 300elo match from any database. Go 15 moves in, let a cumputer calculate what small adjustments need to be done to have it equal, and then let the top10 play with this weird stupid position in a rapid match.

    I can't stop laughing when I think about the facial expression and the comments from the players, when they come to the board.

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