‘Like using the force’: Neuralink patient demonstrates how he plays chess using brain-chip

Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old quadriplegic who has a Neuralink brain-chip, demonstrates during a livestream how he is able to control his laptop cursor with his mind to play chess. Arbaugh received the implant in January, after the startup founded by Elon Musk was granted federal approval to test the device in humans. Following the approval from regulators, Reuters reported that US Food and Drug Administration inspectors found problems with recordkeeping and quality controls for animal experiments at the company.

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#Neuralink #Tech #Healthcare #Chess #News

%1$ Comments114

    Imagine when the chip fails or is turned off in you because you did or said the wrong thing publicly

    Imagine using this in front of a tribe with no knowledge of technology. They will think you are magic!

    Human beings have the capability to adapt. He will adapt against all the negative assumptions people are saying online

    Great job by Neuralink inshallah this technology will grow more and make all our lives a little easier

    Really, he spent a little while playing chess… then all night playing Civ 6!

    My intrusive thoughts could never 💀💀💀

    The mind is a powerful place this is evolution

    Imagine controlling the lights in your house with your thoughts

    You touched that piece so now you have to move it… errr

    Amazing! lets hope it doesn't go down the route of diabetes medication and become a subscription-based service.

    This technology will be abused by the wrong people.

    VIdeo title just a bit click-baity. He can control a computer screen cursor with his mind, and so make chess moves. The video title did suggest that he has a chess engine implant helping him to play chess like StockFish or Fritz – that is not the case.

    Is it ok to not believe this? I mean you show very little of what he can now do.

    Cursors and keyboards will be phased out of society very soon starting with pure voice controlled computers and evolving to predictive inputs or something like that

    Imagine trying to calculate a line and accidentally playing the move

    such a huge project of data breaching i think it will be more dangerous than just calling it data breaching perhaps it’s a matter of something you can call personal information or right to choose by self violation.
    💀Hope I’ve used very simple words or way to make it easy to measure the depth of this invention or project.

    It’s all about electromagnetic waves, isn’t it? It’s amazing we didn’t have this technology before. The heart and the brain are both electromagnetic.

    AI and neuro-link will be great for numerous disabilities. At no time in the history of the world have disabled people had more opportunities and future potential with the help of technology.

    Isn’t moving a cursor with the mind really old news in this field? Neuralink is doing what other companies did in the early 2000s 🥱

    Sem palavras isso sim são projetos em prol da preservação da raça humana eterna gratidão continue assim es gigante e realmente faz a diferença nesse mundo

    2024(Gregorian) “Respect and dignity.” Furthermore:

    STAR TREK technology … Excellent … constructor MileR 001 …

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