‘Like using the force’: Neuralink patient demonstrates how he plays chess using brain-chip

Noland Arbaugh, a 29-year-old quadriplegic who has a Neuralink brain-chip, demonstrates during a livestream how he is able to control his laptop cursor with his mind to play chess. Arbaugh received the implant in January, after the startup founded by Elon Musk was granted federal approval to test the device in humans. Following the approval from regulators, Reuters reported that US Food and Drug Administration inspectors found problems with recordkeeping and quality controls for animal experiments at the company.

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#Neuralink #Tech #Healthcare #Chess #News

%1$ Comments114

    You bash Neuralink for months and then do a 360. Typical Guardian.

    This can be used to reboot the homeless drug addiction brain

    Sword art online fans going crazy right now😂

    Πολλά μπράβο Ιάσονα για τ βιντεακια που έστειλες σμρ πολύ ωραία κ κατανοητά χωρίς ν πλατιαζουν τέτοια θέλουμε!! Το συγκεκριμένο άτομο έγινε πειραματόζωο αλλά αν βρισκόμασταν στ θέση του εμείς τι θ κάναμε??

    "future's made of, virtual insanity" 🎵🎵🎶

    I'd like the capability to pre program my dreams, I suffer from bad dreams frequently. That could reduce alot of my anxiety I feel after waking up.

    Bro paused a song with his brain dog

    I wonder how much they're paying him to say this

    And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Revelation 13:15‭-‬17

    All is fine and dandy until they put subscription plans on it

    real question, how do you calculate the cursor movement based on thoughts alone? like do you compare it relative to something?

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