Little Kid Crushed Me At Chess In 43 Seconds

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%1$ Comments242

    1:06 – 7.5. 4 If a player uses two hands to make a single move (for example in case of castling, capturing or promotion) and pressed the clock, it shall be considered and penalized as if an illegal move.

    Imagine the fun the parents of this kid are having watching this

    i got it before 3 days what i do now

    you know why that kids not magnus, he didn’t waste a minute setting his knight straight😂😂

    this kid is stronger than me I woder how his grandpa plays

    As a 1000 rated player i can confirm this kid is well over 1000.

    Levy never fails to annihilate ki… Oh wait, what……..

    dude, no offence, I hate those fast games!

    It's not about winning, it's about sending a message😈

    Not talking about chess here, but my 7-year-old grandson has a preternaturally advanced, adult level (ELO 1400 if applied to a non-chess-related skill) ability to press on my buttons and deflate my ego. Even at 74 years old, I like validation just as much as the next guy does. And I can't really tell him to "fuck off and die", because after all, he is "only a child". It has given me pause to think!

    He probably watched Blade runner (1982) the night before and want to LARP it. He succeeded.

    Holy chess prodigy… he's the perfect villain. How strong is he actually? That's the question we're all going to be asking until he reveals his true strength…that…was incredible. You should have gotten his name… there's no WAY you don't see him again.

    He pulled a Blade Runner on you, like tears in rain….

    In every generation there is a chosen one. She (or he) alone will stand against the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness. She (or he) is the Slayer.

    dont tell Kramniik that youve won 49 out of 50 games

    me living in north carolina: how could i miss this?

    I know I am bad at chess BUT I can see talent and this is mindblowing

    I hope that he returns to this video repeatedly in the years to come as he ascends the ELO ladder to GM-hood!

    Levy if you get beaten by a seven year old next…. Retire as you will be the grand master of embarrassment.

    In other games you could plan while waiting for the opponent's move, in this one you actually only had 30 seconds.

    Since you said you were going to beat everyone, a win or a draw was a win for this kid. He knew he would become more famous by outplaying you and drawing than by risking making a mistake when his time got low.

    i could never, it would get all over my pants hahaha

    “You merely adopted the dark, I was born in it, moulded by it.”

    ~ This kid (maybe), 2024.

    Kids have a unique way of looking at chess. I played against my friends father who is currently rated at 2100 ish and the challenge is real for me who is only 1500. I played a kid who was also hanging out at the park and I swear has to be 1200 or higher. No hesitation, just making moves with absolutely stone faced determination. He was making plenty of mistakes that I was catching but those mistakes he made are things he can easily correct. Kids are just built different

    most accurate definition of EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!

    13:54 "Right here I realized I messed up… "
    I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me!

    I can understand the guys who say bullet takes the fun out of chess

    Daaaaang, more edited content from Benji's owner, das good. Wonder if that's helping with early vid retention? Hope so, keep it up Lucy's husband!

    How do we do guess the elo submissions?

    Indeed, your videos are not funny. They are interesting and instructive. You're funny. Funny how? Like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas

    Humble Gotham showing us clemency of a prodigal child. . . Respect 😎👏💚

    Sure he's a 1000…1000 points above you! jk

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