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bro gets no views nowadays
It felt like Magnus sorta let his guard down which is exactly what MVL capitalized on.
It seems Magnus was having a bad day, playing on the backfoot, playing with his left hand. Disappointing.
seems like MVL has really been on it lately, with his match against hikaru in the SCC that he woulda won if not for the bullet segment, and then these great games against magnus
Why is this about Magnet when MVL is on fire? 😶🌫
I guess MVL is that "no rivals" guy Magnus was talking about in his tier list
22:37 I dint know gotham can rap
16:02 -200 holy crap
Why Magnus didn't take the knife here ? 18:45
Good to see someone put up a great fight and win for once against Magnus.
When more Guess The Elo?
3:32 where the dramatic HE SACRIFCES THE QUEEEEEEEEEEEN!?
17:49 when levy had water I had prime
Keep going😊
You deserve a medal for using wonderfully creative titles!
This guys dont understand the level of mvl.. MVL in good shape is better than magnus in rapid! Thats all!
Bro even fumble Magnus Magnus in sleep..
In the most newest game I played, I got a briliant move, and it was because I.. SACRIFICED THE ROOK
Bro changes titles in order to get more views
I was already drinking liquid IV when it was plugged in the video, Levy’s advertising skills reach through space and time
Shouldn't the title be MVL?!?!?!?!?!?!?
2:03 proof that levy is chat gpt but in a human cloth
fact: last time when checkmate was played in a world championship was 1929
1000th comment
I haven't seen magnus getting mated he always resigns 😮
you should put the link for your book in GERMAN in the description
this video can be watched as many times.
Isn't the knight at c5 hanging? 18:47
MVL best player
Poor gotham also im back on feet🎉
Bro let video play for 2 minutes and came at the views 😂😂😂
MVL got that DAWGG in him
Bro you are a excellent player how many your fide rank is ?
Magnus was tired.. the game was early morning in Norway
What we must notice is that rozman is looking for excuses to slide into Carlson's dms
Magnus played f5 cause en passant is forced 29:22
When this bloke recaps a chess game, it feels as if you’re watching a WBA heavyweight world title match. KEEP’EM COMING GOTHAM! And cover some Rashid Nezhmetdinov games.
Congratulations to MVL for giving this shower to the most arrogant player of all times !
Based on the comments no one cared about the back cramps…😂
Idk why but I feel very very very excited when Magnus loses 😂 I'm not hating Magnus but, its like… damn the pleasure seeing Magnus lose is very rare 😂
Seems like Magnus had an off day and MVL was on top form. It keeps chess entertaining for the fans. What an outcome. Well done to MVL. Magnus will return no doubt. Better than ever knowing him.
So you telling me Magnus wins game one by playing into his oppositions style sac the queen . Then the next game he blunders mate in one. 🤔 read between the lines people
Gotham chess is the best chess teacher ever! ❤❤❤
Levy, thank you so much for making chess this hype. I already love chess, but your commentary takes it to another level!
Magnus losing his marbles😂😂
Just realised that he switched the title😂😂 thought it was a new vid LOL