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%1$ Comments171

    Time will tell if MVL has Magnu's number or if this is just a glitch…? Either way this takes nothing away from Magnu's legacy. All Kings are dethroned, eventuality.

    Play a game, but instead of using chess terms, use pasta terms

    Does Maxime move up a tier in Magnus' tier system after defeating him?

    Does Levi get paid to drop those UFC references?

    Your content is still really good, but clicking on the stupid thumbnails and titles is painful.

    Just saw you were in a kitchen nightmares episode! Pretty neat stuff

    time to give us lots of content on maximmmmm in what he's been doing this past few months to get this goood

    Really, we do not care who wins. Magnus is the best. is it a psychological movements to give away. he was sick, not feeling well His mind got shut down. Don't even try to justify Max

    Maaaaan one of your best videos ever.. thanks for making this much more exciting than it is.. insane game but the commentary is legendary!!


    There HAS to be some middle ground between 'He is the absolute king, we are not fit to lick his boots!' and 'But now he looses, Magnus looses, can you believe it, unbelievable! Normally he wins, and now he looses, WOOOOW!!!' I hope you find that middle ground some day.

    The guy plays 100 games a day ( or more ) for like 362 days of the year, realistically he lost dozens, if not hundreds of little games here and there to MVL, Hikaru or Fabi. Even to Giri. But he won much more would be my guess.

    Maybe it's just me, but this alternating between exaltation because he played normally ( for him ) and pseudo-shocked when he looses one or two out of dozens of games against other super GMs is exhausting. The guy can play, the guy is human. I'd be fine with less commentary and pedestal-building for Hikaru and Magnus – and more explaining of lines and concepts

    I always wished to see a match between Bobby Fischer and Magnus Carlsen.

    Here comes all the comments just like every video where everyone has to try to think of something funny to say while using levys name

    I can finally say I play like Magnus! (I also miss mate in 1)

    [Event "AI Factory's Chess"]

    [Site "Android Device"]

    [Date "2023.09.30"]

    [Round "1"]

    [White "Cpu (12)"]

    [Black "You"]

    [PlyCount "46"]

    [Result "0-1"]

    1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qd8 4. d4 h6 5. Be3 Nf6

    6. Nf3 c6 7. Bd3 Bg4 8. h3 Bc8 9. O-O e6 10. Ne2 b5

    11. a4 a6 12. axb5 cxb5 13. Bxb5+ Bd7 14. Bd3 Bd6 15. c4 Nc6

    16. c5 Bc7 17. Bxa6 h5 18. Bd2 Ng4 19. hxg4 hxg4 20. Ng5 Bh2+

    21. Kh1 Qc7 22. Be3 Bg1+ 23. Kxg1 Qh2# 0-1

    Its funny Levy and Hikaru get 100K+ views by typing Magnus Carlsen in the titles but Magnus himself doesnt gets like 1-10K😂

    5:40 wait, after Kg3 and c7 why not Re8 to divert the rook from attacking the pawn AND defending the promotion square, if black is one square away from castling?

    Saw you on Kitchen nightmares at bel air diner ! Haha

    Improbable tournaments: Ding's journey to World Champion and MVL's journey to AI Cup Champion.

    I cant think of a creative name (i'm not joking) says:

    Dawg howd u die so quickly

    nah you didnt need to bring izzy into it

    Cmon mvl deserved to at least be in the thumbnail

    Wow! Is MVL getting stronger or is Magnus getting weaker?

    Check out the return of ”Kitchen nightmares”, Levy is in it as a ”food blogger” 😂

    wtf am i missing something?!?! i thought magns didnt win a single game yday i watched it???????????

    MVL EST EN GRANDE FORME LES AMIS 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🥖🥖🥖🥖🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

    Thoughts and prayers to Levy's penthouse, let's hope the flash floods cannot it.

    Lalala, let's get some more people to see this.

    Yeh, I get back pain, a LOT when I am dehydrated. So definitely a good plan, with water/liquid IV.

    In the 2nd game you showed, Magnus didn't "…miss checkmate in 1."

    He blundered yes, but he immediately knew it. There was no avoiding it. He allowed MVL to play mate on the board.

    When you hear Levy say
    "Slowly, methodically"
    You know the game is about to end

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