Magnus Carlsen Is Done With Chess

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%1$ Comments332

    I can explain why magnus said that…. He is just bored with chess…if anyone has seen how he plays…he is looking to do something different with chess…like in the one video that levy showed magnus walking his king from one side of the board to the other, during the opening phase. Every move in chess has been played a million times… So what's the point. Which is what magnus is asking himself.

    I saw every key move in the game of Berkes,Ferenc vs Praggnanadhaa R

    The women's game was absolutely wild! Loved every minute of it. I mean, every game showcased was great, but that one takes it all.

    This guy is good in explaining games. Should make famous shock win games by GMs List

    The fact that I predicted 2 brilliant moves being 1300… pawn promotion in last game and the knight sacrifice is previous games to let Queen in (promotion was a wild guess but knight sacrifice wasn’t)

    You pronounce Ferenc with a regular C

    The clock didn't even give them their 30 extra minutes after move 40. Perhaps it broke the clock that Ivanchuk had over an hour left.

    Damn Magnus so up ahead of everyone that classical chess isn't even tickling his brain anymore…and even though its boring man's crushing everyone

    Weird a year later rooting for Gukesh after his amazing performance last time!!

    Great video. Thanks. Fun and interesting. 😉

    Wow, what a great ambassador for the game……

    Why are the women separated from the men in this kind of tournament? The game's not physical, obviously. Why are there women's ratings too? I'm sure it's an old-school carry-over, but shouldn't all that kind of thing be reconsidered world-wide? I'm surprised the women don't protest. Or do they? Is this an old topic of conversation?

    Why give the title "Magnus Carlsen is done with Chess" ?

    I learned Levy's endgame masterclass and I wqs able to beat a guy named Magnoof Curlsuhn at 150 ELO.

    I am one of the baddies, Magnus Game over, see ya! 😉

    Around 10:30 loving the animated commentary (video and audio). Haven't enjoyed a commentary that much since around Madden (American football) retired. Thanks!

    Last title was clickbait so I'm not gonna watch this

    "if you click off the video now you hate women you're a misog-"

    He said, if you don’t watch women’s game then you are misogynistic. And later goes on making misogynistic comments on the game. 😂😂😂

    Yes a bulgarian . Salimova yeeeeeeeah

    I click for the Magnus, stay for the Levi❤

    New youtuber: how do I get viewer retention?
    Gotham: "If you click off the video now, you hate women and you're a misogynist. Watch this game!"

    You are way entertaining than Agadmator, and you cover more Games. Thank You. You are really trying to improve chess level and this is awesome on your part. You will be remembered. 😊

    "if u click off u hate women" These are the things that make me continue to watch the video all the time. Great tactics outside of chess levy

    Guys, i think you dont get it. Magnus‘s net worth is way over 60M€, why should he spend time doing something that he dont like?

    I think everyone just has their highs and lows in his career, and since Magnus has set such a high standard, everyone is excepting him to always be the best, even though every GM is fantastic at chess, even if Magnus won’t stay in first place.

    I feel like Ivanchuk played like that to teach magnus "if you think you are good, then play blitz in classical it is not impossible. If someone old like me almost did it with the best player in the world, why can't you?"

    Levy really has mastered the art of click-baiting

    Aw crap. I aspired to become a GM, with my rating of 930. Now who's gonna challenge me with Magnus gone?🤣😂

    Fun fact: this video was originally named “Magnus Carlsen Hates Chess”

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