Magnus Carlsen Is Done With Chess

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%1$ Comments332

    All that stress probably started when he insinuated Hans Niemann. Probably.
    Since then he's been on and off with Chess and its quite sad to see honestly, and he is one of the best chess player of all time.

    How I felt when I finally quit League of Legends

    As a hungarian,I say you should pronounce his name As you write it

    But, he’s just so damn good. That’s simply why

    Where's the time code where the video title "Magnus Carlsen Is Done With Chess"
    is discussed?

    Love from India!!
    Sir plss make your book available in India.

    We watch because of your brilliant and unrivaled chess commentary and video.

    @gothamchess In Hungarian – Berkes, Ferenc would be a mix of what you said, S sounds like SH, and C sounds similar to S.

    Hey Gotham, When you show Magnus games, can you rotate the board if he plays black, so he is on our side of the board? Most of us are most interested in how he plays vs how his opponent plays. It's easier for us to follow his moves if he is on our side of the board & screen. Just a humble request. Thank you, sir.

    "After crushing the world for more than a decade at classical chess it be like 'yawn' to me." – Sun Tzu, The Art of Chess

    Such impressive games, very entertaining, thank you Levy

    I am sorry gotham i left after the magnus game hopefully my like makes up for it

    Did you guys know opposite color bishop endgames are a draw

    I just can't get enough of Levy's recaps. It doesn't matter what game it is. His excitement for each game is contagious and thoroughly enjoyable.

    me who found knight sac: IM THINKING LIKE AN INDIAN!

    Pragg played 4 brilliant move in the match and you miss to show😊

    I've said this before, but I believe we are seeing the beginning of a modern Robert James exit.

    I dream a final Magnus – Pragg: the “old” vs the “new”

    I will be honest, i fell asleep after the magnus game but the video kept playing.

    Magnus should claim copy right to this channel.

    18:28 when queen takes g4 …why prag doesn’t fork the queen, moving his knight to f6 !

    Levy be like analyzing magnus game for half of the video for more watchtime🙂🙂

    Good guy ivanchuk knew magnus hated classical so he tried to make it into a rapid game

    Wow, incredible matches all of them! Thanks for the amazing and entertaining commentary Levy. Btw, I'm preordering your book as well as a thank you for all the amazing hours of content you've gifted me.

    Thank you so much for your videos. Fantastic stuff!

    Magnus is a household name, but serious slow chess ain't no fun as younger players are hungry to hunt down big game, and Magnus is bloated with money success fame, risk reputation vs reward ratio is too high for Magnus comfort zone.

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