Magnus Carlsen Is Done With Chess

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%1$ Comments332

    it is stressful and boring😉😉😉😉😉😉

    It's mostly because after i fall asleep the video keeps playing.
    I'm kidding you're amazing Levy, thanks for all the work keeping chess exciting.

    I think what were seeing with magnus is someone who is essentially unchallenged in his ability so he has lost the drive to play or much like other geniuses, he is too smart to enjoy mundane things which after playing chess for so long, I'd imagine it has become mundane.

    You can’t use Magnus as clickbait and then complain when video retention after his games are low.

    We keep watching after Magnus games because your ability to analyze and commentate games is great

    I started playing chess like 3 months ago and now my daily routine is play a bunch of chess and wind down with that day’s Gotham video from start to finish, no idea how people click off after one game.

    Idk why but I just really like when Levi says "horses vs pointed hats"

    I guess I just don't understand why they think classical chess is more stressful or more boring than quicker forms of chess. No one is forcing you to take 20 minutes to make a move, you can still do it in 1 second if you want to. Also, if you can play the game with 3 minutes total, how is having more time more difficult?

    A bunch of people definitely clicked off before the womens game after levy said that lol

    Berkes and Praggnanandhaa's game made me feel good about myself after finding all the best moves before gotham announced them

    Levy you the biggest hypocrite.
    You said the audience only cares about mangus and not others but it's you who only put Magnus in thumbnail.
    You are also the one who is influencing them chess is all around magnus then why will you expect from your audience that they will care about other chess players too?
    As an influencer your contribution also matters about your recaps…

    been watching much of the women's world cup Levy?

    Why is Hikaru still in the game? Thought Pragg kicked his ass

    the women's side of the world cup is insane, glad Levy is covering it as well

    send me hate Magnus passes chaps who check chat

    4:00 I find it impressive that even though the rook has an open file it can’t really move anywhere but to a2 which is also pointless so it has to develop another way. Theory is scary

    I’m new to chess. I’ve only been learning for like a month. I’ve yet to play anybody but I do enjoy the content and love these World Cup recaps because you explain the positions and help me understand some of the tactics and concepts behind there moves. So I can’t help but watch 100% of the video😂

    to me it seems like Ivanchuk resigned at move 1

    I was late in that pragg game, i arrived just at the time pragg sacrificed his knight and chat was going insane

    Change the channel name to magnus carlsen😂😂

    Hey Levy, I found you late 2022, wasn't tooo interested in chess and was just starting watching you videos. long story short, we got displaced and life was throwing every curveball and challenge my way for the next couple months. I would tackle life an then relax while binging all of you videos and playing chess. Thanks for being you and I try to sacrifice the rook when its calculated as often as possible because of you lol.

    Cheers brotha

    Everyone leaving when he recaps the women’s portion 💀

    People stopped watching when it hit women’s games so levy moved them to the end and made that announcement😂😂

    I'm getting 400 elo vibes when Gotham scolds his viewers for not thinking before moving their pieces. Him yelling the whole video about properly using his time seeing magnus vs ivanchuk

    Thanks for showing Magnus first, so I don’t need to bother sitting through the other guys

    i wanted to know how tan came back so easily against bella.

    Disagreeing with Magnus on chess is like disagreeing with Stephen Hawking on physics but I still disagree and will say that classical chess is by far the most fun.

    always enjoying all the chess competitions, every morning I watch for like 30 minutes

    Wait how do ya'll just not watch the other games?? They're so interesting the heck??!!🤨🤨

    Someone know when Magnus vs Gukesh will happen (date and time)? The FIDE timeline this year is not clear at all.

    05:20 made sure to finish the video after you mentioned this in a previous video

    15:41 why does knight take the rook a5? Is there something I'm missing?

    05:40 Levy thanks his audience and then immediately takes back his move and throws insults… almost there Levy… keep trying 🙄🙄🙄

    And Levy makes fun of us for starting 15 minute games and blitzing out all the moves lol

    If Ivanchuck can blitz a game of Classical Chess in the World Cup vs Magnus then Gotham call me lazy for blundering my king by blitzing moves in a random rapid game online…

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