Magnus Carlsen: PERFECT CHESS

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%1$ Comments432

    Todays stare was a whopping 1 second and 73ms or 1,073 seconds.

    Also congrats on 4mil, very much deserved.

    We get serve breakfast and launch hear😂 and it's tasty

    Bro i swear Levy is such à good commentator🔥

    This Mango Carlos looks like a skillful player

    Magnus's ideas are like onions: Yes, they can make you cry.

    4 Million Subscribers, Congrats Levy! 🎉🎉🎉

    4 mil. Who cares about the chess? You are very pretty!

    19:04 “I’m going to serve you some dessert, and it’s disgusting.” 😂😂😂

    Congratulations 🎉 I subscribed your channel when you had 50k-80k subs and enjoyed every single video you released. Well done. You're amazing personality. Let's only grow bigger! ❤

    Sir Levi that "here or here or here or here or here" stuff is what what that old nice guy Sir GM Yasser Serirwan called the massaging of the sqruares.

    4 mil subs I’ll help the algorithm too <bot activities>

    Congrats Levi on the 4 million 🥳

    Congrats for 4 mil levy, but did anyone notice how the board changed colors after Be2?

    Maróczi bind from the Hungarian chess player Géza Maróczi. 10:42

    MAGNUS MAGNUS MAGNUS….!!! I can't get enough, I'm hopeless. Thank you, Levy

    Magnus really is giving Levy a lot to talk about this month.

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