Magnus Carlsen vs. Alexandra Botez With INSANE Time Odds

Watch as Magnus Carlsen, the World Chess Champion, takes on Alexandra Botez with a crazy time handicap! Can he still win against this formidable opponent?
Magnus Carlsen shows why he’s the best in the world by playing Alexandra Botez with a massive time disadvantage! Will he be able to overcome the odds?
It’s a chess game like no other as Magnus Carlsen takes on Alexandra Botez with an incredible time disadvantage! Who will emerge victorious in this epic battle of wits?

Get ready for an epic chess showdown between two of the best players in the world! Magnus Carlsen, the current World Chess Champion, faces off against Alexandra Botez, one of the most popular chess streamers on Twitch and YouTube, in a thrilling game with time odds on

In this game, Magnus Carlsen will have only 30 seconds to make all his moves, while Alexandra Botez will have a generous 300 seconds on the clock. Can Carlsen use his lightning-fast reflexes and superior chess skills to outplay Botez despite the huge time disadvantage? Or will Botez’s superior time management and strategic thinking allow her to pull off a stunning upset against the chess legend?

Join us as we follow every move and counter-move in this exciting game, with expert analysis and commentary from top chess commentators. Whether you’re a seasoned chess player or a casual fan, you won’t want to miss this high-stakes battle between two of the biggest names in chess. Tune in now and witness the ultimate test of speed, skill, and strategy in the world of chess!

%1$ Comments448

    I really admire Magnus, he plays magnificently jaajja

    How ugly she is on the thumbnail…Was that your revenge lol ?

    Sets up a whole lineup in 8 seconds “I’m getting short on time here”

    That man looks good, he should think about going professional

    i beleive ive seen heard boasting abt winning once during this session same time odds lol she was so estatic. must be fun tryin to beat the boss of the chess world

    Wow. I didnt know magnus has a youtube channel, cool.

    honestly i dont care how good at chess Magnus is or thinks he is, he should be held responsible for the extremely offensive and derogatory comments his chat says. i can't imagine him being allowed to conduct themselves like a edgy teenager without losing all their sponsors. i guess i shouldn't be surprised considering he's the same guy who threw a fit when a girl he met on Tinder wouldn't check his oil. soon he will lose his title and all he'll be left with is a beer belly and receded hairline!

    And that's why they need WIM and WGM titles guys

    Let's try to have Magnus against one of the male FM chess players with 30 seconds handicap. Magnus only won against Botez 'cause she's a woman.

    Ohhhh Magnus you did Alexandra dirty with that thumbnail 😀 … I like it 😀

    My name is Dr. Harald Zaun from Germany. Love you!

    He must have already those moves in his head if he was thinking about it and hadn't did it already it would have taken much more time

    Ohh did magnus finally hire a youtube handler? thumbnail looks good

    5 min vs 30 sec and the opponent is a 2200+ blitz player… how the F does this make sense?

    No simping at all 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Вместо того чтобы думать женьщина игралась в шахматы😂😂😂😂😂

    Поражаюсь как он это делает реальный мастер своего дела😮

    Magnus looks like he has a brush of the downs syndrome

    When playing poker, Magnus 3 barreled into 3 players on an Ace high board with 72o as a bluff. High IQ chess, but low IQ poker. Lighting that chess money on fire.

    I take 30 seconds to make one move whereas this guy beats people with this much time

    The Botez sisters aren't really that great. They make money off of the huge number of simps there are in chess. They make a mockery out of the game in a certain sense when you think about it.

    Magnus and his Entourage! Always backed by his boyz!!!

    I’ve seen botez sisters doing this to lots of lower rated players outside but when she meets the best she feels how it feels like

    I don’t know but botez sisters attitude doesn’t at all match with any of the chess players

    The two guys in the back bring him his coke, food, and women.

    He has to play with a disadvantage . It's the only way anyone can actually win against him . Crazy

    Magnus lost the next game to Alexandra, but he dropped it from the video. Shame on you, Magnus! This is not how a gentleman should behave.

    White plays against non white. Of course white people are smarter. It is like playing with a monkey

    Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

    Normal satranç değil galiba, hamleler NEDEN çok saçma, kural dışı… ?

    WTF?! How can human possibly think that fast?

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