Magnus Carlsen vs Alireza Firouzja | Full Game | Watch until the end | World Rapid 2021

The game between Magnus Carlsen and Alireza Firouzja was the much anticipated clash of the World Rapid 2021. Magnus arrived 40 seconds late to the game. Was it psychology or was genuinely late to the game? Was this time deficit going to affect him? Alireza played the fighting Caro Kann! Check out the video to find out who came out on top!

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%1$ Comments900

    Kids With KC - Let's Grow together, Enjoy together says:

    The first time you have a chance at the top is the second one and you get the chance of winning the first time 😊😅😮😢🎉😂❤

    I don't get it.. why did alireze surender?

    Can somebody explain me why alireza gave up pls?

    Is it his strategy to distract opponent concentration?

    I dont get it why did alireza resign they had same materials

    I hate commentary on chess games they gotta stop that shit its just annoying

    Beginner question: Who won the game, also there were so many pieces left then why they ended the game

    Ager match draw ho jata hai to kya hota hai kya dono ko winner maan liya jata hai ya

    can someone tell how did the game end and who won?

    How he lost?? Black's king wasn't in check?? Is it bcz of time???

    What is so special at the end? Magnus tripped over a chair? I missed it! 😂

    Magnus's whole board vision is just uncanny. By the end Alireza, brilliant in his own right, is visibly frustrated. The guy shows up late against one the fastest, most dangerous players in the world, takes his time thinking about which variation to play against the Caro Kann, and then plays one of the most aggressive lines of cutting edge theory. He then proceeds to disect and nullify Alireza's position as though it were a corpse resting on a marble slab. Absolute mastery.

    I was playing chess with my friend and he said, "Let's make things interesting." So we stopped playing chess.

    The disrespect coming off the first 2 minutes of this video is insane 😂

    Im new to chess. Can someone explain the move at 3:45. Wasnt that moving 2 pieces in one move?

    Drunk and watching the wire first season he starts showing the kids how to play chess. So I was brought here. I know how to play chess but never was good tho.

    I am new at chess so can anybody explain why did Alireza not move the king to h8 as that was a legal move. I am literally confused about the ending?!???

    queen takes b2 checkmate since knight is protecting it

    Did they stop because of time of I'm the only stupid one here

    Can someone explain to me how this game ended? Mid game they shook hands. I cant see a forthcoming check mate yet

    Was it a draw or did Magnus make the other dude resign?

    É incrivel como as pessoas nao entendem como funciona xadrez

    Can somebody explain me why Magnus won that game? Can‘t Alireza just take the horse and sacrifice his Rook so that the game can continue?

    I’m new to the chess world, so I don’t quite understand… was he close to check mating him and they both recognized it?

    I'm sorry, I'm just learning chess and I'm still learning it, but why is the game over? I don't see a check mate?

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