Magnus: “I’m Done”

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%1$ Comments544

    Levy u should play the question master bot…He is more dangerous than mittens

    Unfortunately, Magnus is washed. Time to let others shine.

    Gotham seriously. It’s obvious Magnus is not what he used to be. This was obvious when he falsely accused Hans of cheating.

    Maria: Come Fast To Get Into My Body says:

    Honestly I think it’s more that since Magnus hasn’t practiced chess in so long, he’s probably slightly less accurate, so in Blitz and shorter time controls where everyone is less accurate he will be pretty close, but in classical where it’s crucial a lot of the time to get the win to make the most accurate move, I think the gap between Magnus before and after he stopped practicing is significantly more noticeable in classical chess

    I do still think it’s clear that Magnus would probably still be the best in the world by a lot if he kept practicing or if he started again, but I don’t think Magnus really wants to keep studying chess forever even if he still plays it

    the Gukesh v Aryan is one of the most beautiful chess games I've ever seen, that double pawn push was brutal.

    The fact that he said that football is the correct way of saying ''soccer'' made my day

    I think magnus goes to Armageddon for the fun.

    I happily watch your ads Levy, you deserve that money.

    How’s the c4 line gone past everyone? This man’s content brain is on another level

    I miss the guy who was always rating Gotham's intro stare

    So you interpreted as that but he never said that? I’m confused

    This is…click bait…

    I am happy when you corrected it to football. Never call football soccer coming from a chess loving football player

    Gukesh played the sickest move of the tournament imho. Just the sight of a closed black defensive line with not one but two infiltrators behind, just chilling, that is truly spectacular.

    Magnus has nothing to prove. He's shown he was the best of an era. He's rich. These are just side quests for him cause he enjoys chess (:

    Levy doing internal sponsorships, give us both the pin of shame!

    Chess IM, content creator hence smart dude

    Magnus said he is done because he was winning against Aryan and Alireza. He is not done by chess.

    Btw Mafnus the GOAT has won 2 out of 3 events he has joined.

    Also everyone plays to draw against Carlsen.

    Hey Levy, it seems sometimes the colors the players played got mixed up at the bottom, just letting you know for some reason.
    Love your work, bye

    SOCcer comes from "asSOCiation football" 😀

    You keep forgetting that Magnus didn't spend a large portion of the last couple of years studying for the world chess championship.

    I think part of his dominance was the fact he was forced to study and prepare for a few months of every year like a mad man.

    Now he's just playing chess it seems. No new metas 🙁

    Gukesh, FIrouzja and Nordibek surely are promising new generation.

    crazy how he can pronounce these names without hesitation.

    isn't there a lot of smoke in new york here?! h Hhh

    1990s is 30 years ago?????????????????????????? almost lost my shit when i heard that wtf

    Im pretty sure magnus era is about to be over soon hes no longer dominating every game and is having ups and downs im sure magnus legacy is coming to an end

    Magnus King of Chess
    Magnus King of Armageddon

    I can see why the man wants the way more swag nickname.

    Okay that Paypal Honey transition was fire. Good piin.

    Levy is such a great commentator. Goddamn this was entertaining to watch

    Magnus: isn’t winning the tournament
    Also Magnus: hasn’t lost single Armageddon game

    How do they decide who gets to be black/white in the Armageddon?

    "What's my favorite thing that takes 2 clicks?" Skipping the paid advertisement portion of the video!

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