Magnus: “I’m Done”

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%1$ Comments544

    Game over Americans. It's forever Football now and your game can be renamed Ladies' Rugby

    Maybe Magnus was just having fun because he’s basically done with chess.

    Mamedyarov is one of my fav player, very fun to watch

    3:45 this is also what I think is so bad about classical right now
    if you "dont want to lose" you just play for the draw and in most cases that just woks (obviously talking about top level)
    you see players taking risks trying to win earlier in the event or if they play vs "weaker" opponents but playing vs Magnus – its nearly all standard lets "get at least 1 point"
    In armageddon its of course different due to the fact that draws dont exists and time is an issue;

    Can we take a moment to appreciate how fkin INSANE Nodirbek is? To pull this kind of stuff on Big Hiki? I mean, wow.

    Lmao when you said Hikaru doing “some trippy chatgpt type of stuff”

    What makes it worst is that you feel like magnus didn’t want to win and he just don’t care 🤷🏼‍♂️

    All great players eventually find that classical is not as appealing anymore, in other words they aren’t as good at it. It’s boring, same old theory and same old stuff.

    plz make a video why the caro is better than the french

    @ 20:04 – why would black capture with the rook and not the bishop? If they capture with the bishop they can't get forked…what am I missing?

    Magnus has been engrossed in chess since he can remember. He reached the pinnacle of chess at an early age and has been the dominate player for over a decade. He has nothing to prove and now wants to recreate himself. It is understandable.

    "last rounds of classical, he will get 3 points just like in the great sport soccer, or correctly named football" THE FIRST PERSON IN AMERICA TO SAY FOOTBALL, NOT SOCCER. im so glad!

    Not gonna lie that c4 joke blew me up lmao😂

    Hmm maybe magnus said to him self… I won the last 10 years as first maybe now I play every first game a draw and win the Armageddon only as fun😂to show others who the boss is.

    He is bored, nothing else to prove. He isnt preparing for any of these games because he is too busy playing Poker.

    First Zlatan and now Magnus. Scandinavia is losing all their heroes haha

    7:44 magnus has lost the classical game against Caruana in the first round, you failed to point that out.

    “Now get out of here” просто убило 😂😂😂🔥

    Shout-out to my 350 elo champions 🎉😂

    Please one time refer to pawns as "queens dressed in rags"

    As an Indian, very excited for Gukesh!!! Keeping fingers crossed 🤞

    Can someone explain why you can't take the rook with the bishop at 20:08 and prevent the resulting fork

    is magnus really done? seems he is falling from his throne 🙁

    O, dude. Dont use that NLP on behalf of a brand. It has side effects.. you'll be blundering endgames again or worse. This is a callback, remember? Is a realy slick NLP-line that also loops back on it self. Hence it gets stuck on repeat in the subconscience doing nothing usefull.. just wasting thought capacity

    I wonder if Carlsen is deliberately going for draws in classical so that he can win the armageddons, just for his own amusement.

    The real highlight of Levy's commentary starts from 13:15 . Those who waited got the goods. What a game! Perfect example of laying a seige and blowing up the wall. 🔥

    Where is the " and he sacrificed the roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook"

    These pawns just went commando mode and sneaked behind enemy lines

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