Magnus: “I’m Done”

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%1$ Comments544


    so magnus is throwing in classical chess? but always winning on rapid? huh… i think hes just giving other participants a chance to win i guess..

    I kissed my screen when he called ‘soccer’ football

    In chosen match why R×d8 instead bxd8 is better

    13:24 I really thought u are gone say say sbout railway incident or Olympic medal
    Was thrown in river but its nice but its fine i made a little laugh

    16:07 What do you need to set off an explosion? You need C4. What do you next? You need to plant C4 somewhere

    I don’t know whether you’ve any knowledge about popular British sports, but in England there’s a sports person who is almost exactly the same as Magnus from his genius to his unpredictability and not bothering to defend titles, or just not being great when he’s not in the mood. Has anyone else from the UK noticed he’s like the snooker player Ronnie O’Sullivan? Right down to turning up late, playing deliberately at a “disadvantage”, Ronnie plays left handed when he’s bored of playing right handed, Magnus plays the Polish in Poland etc. oh and let’s not forget the style of interview. They’re almost the same person.

    On behalf of all British football supporters I thank you for calling it football. 😆

    A few facts about Magnus' poor performance in classical:
    The last time Magnus had a "bad" tournament was during Wijk an See 2021, where he lost 15 rating points. But it's not really a bad tournament since he went 7.5/13, he won more than he lost but still lost a lot of rating because it's hard being 100 or 200 rating points higher than everyone.
    The last time Magnus lost more than he won was in Norway Chess 2017, where he went 4/9 (classical score). He then hit his lowest rating since 2011 with 2822.
    And I think it would be the first time since Magnus is number 1 (or maybe ever) that he doesn't win a game in a tournament. Maybe if you count the match against Fabi in 2018…
    It's not his worst tournament though. That would be Norway Chess 2015 where he went 3/9. But it's in the top 5 if he doesn't win tomorrow.

    so in rap, whenever an artist looks absolutely homeless, they drop their next best album. if we want to consider magnus an artist, he might drop a great album soon

    Было бы супер, если бы было подписано, с какой стороны, кто играет. Русские обозреватели так давно сделали )))

    Can we appreciate how based Levy is for his comment on "soccer"?

    @Gothamchess Magnus has lost a game this tournament against Fabi

    Why did mamedyarov resign? He couldve flagged Magnus

    I really like your videos mate, but every time you say "Get out of here" i turbo cringe.

    Why is it called Caro kan?
    Just call it the gothamchess opening

    I started chess earlier this year. I think Magnus is quitting because he knows I’m coming for him. Look out Caruana, I’m next…

    I hope that Magnus won't end up like Bobby Fischer

    “Hikaru just really loves riding around little horses” -Levy

    See it's funny because when Magnus actually retires no one's going to know

    The problem with chess compared to regular sports is that in, say, football, you're expected to retire when you hit your mid 30s…while in chess you're expected to play at a high level forever…it sounds reaaaaally not fun…

    I mean… doesn't Magnus do this all the time? If Magnus DIDN'T bitch about chess now THAT would be new. Besides, he's said quite a few times that classical chess is done and that he thinks shorter games (like blitz) is where it's at. FR though every week or so the media is like "OH MY GOD Magnus is upset about (insert whatever)". I'm surprised he didn't quit chess ENTIRELY… AGAIN. I love the m****f**** though- very entertaining.

    maybe he's just bored with classical chess? he tries to finish game quickly of just meme

    IMHO Magnus is trying to prove that nowdays in high level classic chess, if somebody want to draw the game since the beginning, the opponent can do almost nothing…

    "He hasn't lost a game either"….Magnus lost to Fabiano in R1

    Do some work on recaps. And clear your facts , magnus lost to fabi in round 1 in the classic game.

    My respect for levy for calling football 👍


    I watched the full sponsor ad with maximum focus

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