Magnus: “I’m Done”

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%1$ Comments544

    Gukesh playing an endgame in the middle of the game

    How many Magnus pics on thumbnails?
    Lewy: Yes

    Wait in the game versus Hikaru what stops Hikaru from taking the night first and then when the bishop retakes taking with the queen?

    It's like I said when he declined to defend his championship. People claim he still the best but it takes a lot of homework to be the best of classical chess and he doesn't want to put in the homework so he is not the world champ anymore. Still a pretty good freaking player without doing any homework though

    0:53 As somebody who used honey to get a discount on shoes I can confirm I went from 1800 to 1950 within the 1st few seconds of receiving them

    So glad he's quitting. He's so toxic for the chess community after what he did to Hans Niemann.

    For someone like that ony follow chess in general with your channel I saw Magnus having fun or at least thats the feeling I got from his games.

    Main story isn't magnus carlsen, it's Fabiano caruana vs hikaru nakamura

    "Soccer or correctly named Football". Levy, Thank you.

    The callback to the honey sponsorship gave me literal chills🥶🥶🥶

    The “let me know if you appreciate that” so subtle so funny.

    8:41 Correction: Hikaru plays with black not white.
    Don't hate me I was just paying attention the whole time

    Fuck that chair, I would never buy that chair. Unsubscribed.

    16:04 "What do you need to set off an explosion? C4" was the best chess pun I've heard ever

    “The Caro-Kann takes 4 clicks actually. You bozo.” 🤓

    I think it was during Tata Steel, Magnus didn't perform well. And afterwards he said he was sick of classical chess and he just doesn't care for it anymore.

    This man Gukesh is only 17 years old. I was watching dragon ball z when I was 17

    Magnus has just beat chess, it’s understandable that he’s done

    L-Levy, Magnus did what..?? He sacked the what???

    My man Gukesh out here with more Queens than a 17th century French king

    magnus is getting old, that's it. Still the super grandmasters struggle to defeat him even though he is not in his prime.

    Magnus did lose a Classic game in this tournament …. Rnd 1……….

    Carlsen declared it that he is transitioning now and undertaking a hormones therapy.

    I am here to let you know that I appreciate the sponsor integration 🙂

    My dude… I pay for youtube premium so that I don't get ads…

    If I learned anything about Magnus, is that the guy really don't like his rooks.

    Well Magnus admitted that he didn’t practiced nor studies lines for months…

    Bruv I was born in 1990 I am 33. Don’t do that to me 😂

    Levy is the only chess content creator who actually got me rooting for players to win. Man's turning chess into a real sport with his coverage.

    (Don't get me wrong, I still love the level-headed analysis of the other content creators like agadmator, but Gotham's style is entertaining. Dude should commentate on boxing matches or MMA)

    Magnus is addicted to speed chess now. Don’t blame him on that.

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