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%1$ Comments176

    He is 24 years old and making a comeback after 10 year😂

    Video title :
    Pragg , YESSSSS❌
    magnus, NOOOOO✅


    Bruh, Levy calling a 24 year old Wei Yi "young". Meanwhile all the 15 year olds will be calling people over 20 dinosaur fossils lol.

    every one relax, u'll remember when garry at the age of 60 put hikaru in sug sawang by calculating 20 moves in advance, magnus will be the same 100%

    This format is so much better than classical. These crazy complications, while super low on time, are amazing. Eval bar doesn’t mean shit when you both have 10 seconds. Wild shit happens. Freaking love it!!

    Levy, shouldn't you be training for your GM run or something? 😉

    Gotham feeding the chess world with explanation

    yo bro how do i send a game to you cuz it very W game

    IRS: Levy, what is your source of income?
    Levy: Magnus Carlsen

    Fuck boy wearing his 9 dollar wal-mart t-shirts.

    Hes the number 1 player…Did fischer get a lot of coverage from 70 to 72..kasparov in the 90s?

    For all the people saying he milks magnus for views , what about the football or cricket or basketball content creators milking the best player there for views.
    If levy does it its wrong but if a random guy posts a highlight of ronaldo or messi on youtube gets a million views for the most random compilation he is not told anything
    Chess is relatively way smaller and levy gets to put only some good games so stop it with the whole "milking" stuff. Ofc he'll post about the greatest chess player of all time as a "chess content creator". It's not like he posts about stuff that isnt related to chess at all like most others.

    These analysis videos are my favorite of yours. Your commentary is thrilling and you are very well spoken. A+

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    There's always an Asian that's better than you 🤣

    Wei Yi plays like some chess engine, man never stops munching, attacking and coming up with new ideas even at time scrambles. I am sure he will be a great force in speed formats if he makes more active participations

    These comments are so fucking annoying. Magnus is the most dominant player in the game, no duh Levy's gonna make videos about him

    As someone who just finished a semester of organic chemistry, I can verify that queen endgames are roughly on par in difficulty

    Can someone care to explain me the current title changes?

    Imagine being called the GOAT and having to get a smack from an IM to get back up 😂😮

    I can confirm that organic chemistry is one of the worst things to study

    Blasphemy, José Raúl Capablanca invented endgames, Magnus only prefected it (i assume with some help analyzing Casablancas games)

    Taking a shot every time Levy says "his nervous system collapsed"

    Edit: I died

    wanting GM levy but getting levy accidentally pressing random buttons

    Okay, I give up, how many games did Magnus lose to these kids..?? I have a tendency to cry when Magnus loses, only half kidding…

    Thumbs up because that moment where you stood and slapped your hand like Magnus was too epic

    Magnus you think you suck? See me at the board and let me show you how an 1160 elo plays!

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