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%1$ Comments136

    I think HIkaru enjoys beign beaten by his chess daddy, Magnus.

    This times with Magnus in the world of chess remind me of the times Michael Schumacher was at his peak in F1: you basically tuned in to see who came in 2nd!
    And that may be boring to some people, but not everyone gets to see a GOAT (or, at the very least, the best of his/her generation bar none) in action and I enjoy being in awe of seeing someone repeatedly do something this magnificent and brilliant

    You are selling that if there is someone in the world that can beat the prodigy named Magnus.
    & That is more attracting to normal viewers than having 3-4 contenders.
    An example could be Mike Tyson in Boxing .

    Maybe we'll get Magnus Alireza rivalry sometime in the future

    One could argue there's rivalry on the very shortest of time controls. Which, when it comes to online chess, also include lots of non-chess-understanding factors. But overall, absolutely not. Never has been. Any supposed rivalry was always media made. Magnus has always been crushing, and simply continues to do so.

    The rivalry is a key for the popularization of chess.We had Capa-Alehin, Spaski-Fischer and Karpov-Kasparov and that were the golden ages of chess.Even in Botvinik era we had tough challengers in Smislov and Tal. Today, because of the Magnus dominance it is often very boring.We need some fresh name to step up as a contender

    its not that magnus wins everything…. he makes it interesting with different concepts every time

    Magnet might beat Frank to get the world champion title ‼️

    We should ban Magnus from chess so that the other guys can win. I mean, I can't think of any other solution…maybe because I'm dumb I guess!

    This is what happens when magnus doesn't mouseslips against hikaru.

    Completely disagree with you on the last point. There is a reason putting Magnus in the title works. Magnus isn't the GSW. He's Michael Jordan. Everyday people are interested in watching the sport just to be in awe of such god-like talent. Sure there was magic vs bird. But only the few basketball fans in America cared. Just like how the only few chess fans cared about Karpov vs Kasparov. But Jordan took the sport global. Everyone wanted to see greatness. whether they were fans the sport or not. Magnus is doing that for chess now.

    At this point, a tournament between AI chess bots would be more entertaining than human chess.

    Top AI chess bots are far better than Magnus, their games are magical and there is still uncertainty between them, something that human chess lacks thanks to Magnus Carlsen.

    Gotham chess is the definition of quantity over quality

    You need the trinity at the top…. 3 players, one player usually wins to one and loses to the other…. Think Wanderlei Silva, Chuck Lidell, and Quinton Jackson….

    levy:s next title:

    magnus stockfish carlson, hikaru nakamura

    Stockfish be like : don’t u think only I qualify to say that

    Levi, could you cover “the longest mate” from the wiki 549 moves with attacking pieces queen and pawn and defending pieces rook bischop knight

    Personally, who will win is not as important as the possibility to enjoy a super high-level game of chess. So I'm not annoyed by the fact that Magnus is very likely to win every game, as long as there are people, like Hikaru, who are challenging him…

    Two things that seem to me to be irrefutably true:

    1. Magnus is the great one.

    2. Levy is doing a great amount of good for chess in our era.

    Hikaru is not even close to MC in classical or even in rapid, he is close in blizt and bullet and that's it, the slower the format MC crushes Hikaru more easily, and even in blizt and bullet MC has slight edge, this is a made up a rivalry to make chess more interesting

    there should only be 2 or 3 players who compete for the title of best player

    I like Magnus being unbeatable because it's a special and amazing thing. It's mind blowing to me no matter how good someone else is, no matter how much they study and train, they still cannot equal him. Does that exist anywhere else in the world? Sport? Academics? Music? If you know any other unbeatable of their field let me know, cuz it fascinates me

    I prefer Magnus at his best, leaving everyone in the dust, though I understand the enjoyment of a close match. Regardless, there is always a chance of him being beaten, and therefore uncertainty. But I like watching an event/sport where I think I'm watching the best of human possibilities. Since Magnus is the best, when I see him in a close match, I just assume he's having an off day. He's the goat, and I prefer the goat to be relentless and dominating. I prefer Michael Jordan making it look easy. I prefer Tiger Woods 15 shots ahead of the field in the 2000 open.I prefer the pinnacle. I prefer greatness.

    Sir in legal chesa trap
    What if black do not take queen and played ke5 taking knight
    Sir please reply

    magnus winning a tournament is like real madrid winning a champion league

    I would love to see magnus rival some of Bobby fischer's records, like the 20 game win streak

    After all, you forgot about one guy who's recently been a champ😢 Ding Liren😊

    2:01 Thats it Gotham, how would we as 1000s rated players notice whether that move is delayed or not? It clear that you make contents only for 2000+ rated players while completely neglecting us noobs

    I love the concept of having one guy above all the others, thats why I love ur magnus carlsen videos the most

    Sorry but in the second game it was clearly not a jobava gambit but the main recommandation to react to c5 in all serious courses about the jobava (developped a lot by bortnyk and naroditsky)

    Bro i was thinking that magnus should be titled stockfish before this video was released , i guess levy read my mind

    It does not bother me at all that Magnus is the Emperor Of Chess.

    In fact if someone so talented simply drops off into obscurity , it seems like a waste.

    the goats record speaks for itself. he has no rivals at his level.

    I think Magnus being on top unchallenged realistically is OK, because chess as a game is beautiful, the complexity, the artistic ways one can win is just insane, and this whole thing with Magnus feels like he is a tool designed to master this beautiful game on the human level, to show everyone how it's really done, nothing you've ever seen before. Because without players like him we might not appreciate the game in the same way we do now.

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