Magnus vs The Future of Chess

GM Magnus Carlsen played GM Alireza Firouzja in Day 3 of the Champions Chess Tour Julius Baer Generation Cup on September 1, 2023


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%1$ Comments220

    "These knights!!" haha props for such a quirky double entendre during a chess match review of all things. Bravo GM Hikaru 👏

    Life long Pacers fan. Patrick Ewing should've tried to dunk it instead. Fuck the Knicks.

    Chicken pizza pyramid in Mexico 💀💀💀💀

    Fashion designer 😂😂😂no one is buying his merchandise

    I thought Ali Reza is toughest challenge for Magnus in this tournament

    Chicken pizza from the disrespect speedrun lol

    How do people feel about comparing Magnus' leaving of classical chess similar to why Bobby Fischer left the proffesional scene. Continiously increasing requirement of memorizing all of the lines and not using creative play to beat your opponents. Discuss below.

    the way hikaru starts his videos i love it

    ناکامورای عزیز ، لطفا ترجمه و زیرنویس فارسی به کانالت اضافه کن
    ناسلامتی ایرانی شدی دیگه 😂♥️😂♥️😂♥️😂♥️😂

    Pretty inexcusable for Alireza to not find Qb3

    The goat was munching on carrot in this match

    At 145 Magnus would know. This is the difference between the GOAT and just a GM wondering

    Idk why but the "TODAAAIIIISSSS Video" really annoys me lmao. That and talking about himself in 3rd person which I am assuming some 3rd party told him to do more often to market himself. (Chessbae that you?)

    You gotta love that Spanish explanation

    As we say at my chess club: Today was just not Alireza's day. Tomorrow don't look good either.

    In the morning magnus praises Hikaru, In the evening Hikaru praises Magnus. Shows how much both players respect each other despite having a decades old rivarly

    Elon Musk sucks plastic Popsicles. What happened to his face?

    Hikaru, I see that hat you got on. Good stuff!

    Formal chess champion is a joke 😂😂 he is current fide world champion

    I appreciate the basketball anecdote, hikaru

    magnus is just dominating everyone and everything, per usual

    Updated Magnus Power Rankings

    a) Magnus Carrotson
    b) Drunk Magnus
    c) Food Poisoned Magnus
    d) Noodles Magnus
    e) Bored Magnus
    f) Shirtless Magnus

    I love how hikaru looks in hats, like a full grown child but not in a bad way some how lmao

    LOVE YOU HIKARU!!!! For some absurd reason Ben Finegold believes that Magnus isn't good at chess. You should enlighten him 🤣

    where did the intro style come from can someone fill me in?

    very impressive and respectful how Hikaru talks about a peer rival 24:08

    Magnus should be BANNED from chess. He's winning all tournaments. No one is stopping him. CHESS ISNT FUN ANYMORE

    There is no better logo than the old school Canucks logo. And that is coming from a Leafs fan! That hat is worth at least a pawn.

    Dude you could use Magnus as Anakin and the youngsters as younglings

    Watching this live was so crazy, all hope for Magnus was lost when the bar evaluation show almost full white, but just one inaccuracies, not even a blunder from Alireza could made the game turn around and bit by bit Magnus bar was raising and finally won the game. Just another crazy stuff by Magnus.

    It must be really scary to play against him, just one slight inaccuracies after 99 percent perfect moves could rob you from the victory you deserved. And it’s not even a draw but a loss. So devastating.

    Oh Man Why Did he do that.. Alireza Parents were watching.. Ruthless Champ

    Anyone else feel like Magnus dominating so much is getting boring? Like we need some excitement again someone who can stop this man 😂

    I think that I really respect about Hikaru is his worth ethic.

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