Magnus Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins

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%1$ Comments424

    Gotham had me with that intro: basically a shilling channel / front for Magnus Carlsen 😭😭

    this guy is amazing at being held hostage chess

    Appreciate the content. Knowing i’ll never be on the level of Magnus, i can still watch an be dumbfounded every time that he just trolls top level GMs. 😂 Hikaru who? 🤘🏽🎉

    My PR is a 9 game win streak. Rapid 10mins, 2100 lichess elo

    "Last time I've seen there Fs was on your report card "🥶🥶🥶

    12:22 promoting to a bishop is checkmate as well, because after rh7 you just take it with the rook and everything is protected, and you get that sweet SSS rank.

    This is proof that the world is still absolutely not ready for Magnus

    Awesome how Levy has literally sat on the throne to celebrate Magnus's reign

    maybe magnus carlsen made stockfish 😀 we just to dumb to know

    can you do stockfish 16 vs stockfish 15.1

    Love how in the Thumbnail the sword has a queen symbol on it, almost to small to see it

    that witcher thumbnail made me watch this vid

    19:34 "The last time I've seen 3 F's, is on your report card."
    bro did me dirty 💀

    Props for levy to being held hostage for more then a week

    can someone explain why knight to f2 isnt a good move for black here? @ 6:20

    its a queen-king fork without any defense

    magnus not playing a3 or a6 against you is the greatest gift you can recieve

    That consuella “Nooo” was so accurate. At least the first one was

    Little different to the topic but
    If im really good at endgames is there an opening that almost forces an endgame quickly?(even if its slighty worse for me)

    Every time i saw a weird title of videos like this. I knew he was kidnapped

    The fact that both Levy and Hikaru are fanboying over Magnus is just the cutest. 😅
    The respect is real!

    It's just a matter of time. Literally any game with Magnus can be described with this phrase.

    I didn’t understand a single word but I like it 💀💀💀

    Great video! GCT recap comming? Keep grinding!

    Sven Magnus Øen Carlsen: The Butcher of Chess Tournaments

    Props to Levy for filming in a closet even tho he is kidnapped

    I wonder how accurate ranking system you could build by categorising how often and how much Magnus throws against that player.

    "Last time i've seen three f's was on your report card"

    Decimated means to reduce by 10% Just saying. He more than decimated them.

    I am begginer in playing chess from philipines i am 12 years old can you teach me other opening please…New subscriber

    I can approve that putting 11 "wins" is better than putting "win 11 times".

    please do recap of woman championship bro

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