Magnus Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins

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%1$ Comments424

    "He's doing side quests" is the greatest analysis of a Magnus troll I've ever heard!

    The title of this video sucks, sucks, sucks….

    Will you be covering the women's WCC games? I would love to see your takes on the games!

    Man’s got a 30 minute video on vacation… god tier shit

    Bro just said "just matter of time" more than 20 time

    I know that your question was rhetorical but… I can perform many tasks 11 time in a row without fail. Chess is highly complicated. Would you like to be challenged to make 11 Egg Benedict's in a row in a timely fashion?

    I s(h)it when I urinate, so i never miss… 8)

    What do we want? We want more lines like "his opponent is not stockfish"

    Actually yesterday I was looking at Magnus' recent matches and he acheived 100% accuracy and an estimated 3800 elo game against chessicallyinclined in a 12 move game. That's insane. With how rehearsed openings are among masters, Magnus managing to dominate that quickly against such a strong player is pure genius.

    I was wondering why all my opponents were playing weird a** moves today. Gotta blame magnus

    on the 5th game why couldn't magnus opponent play rook G7 after rook G1

    He was a champion with the title and now he is champion without title. Who cares about who is the official Fide champion?!!!

    Another day of being hostage by Magnus Carlson.

    I feel like the only reason Magnus carlsen loses is because he understands game theory and if he wins every game nobody will want to play

    6:26 why didn’t chessicly inclined just fork the king & queen with knight F2?

    5:43 when in the evaluation stockfish tells you the "missed win" in 33 moves

    Levy is definitely being threatned and tortured happy to make this video

    "you probably can't even urinate correctly eleven times in a row" lmao…

    Thanks for uploading daily gotham sir. I stay depressed 23 hours out of 24 in a day. Watchinf your video, makes me forget about it a bit. I might be 900 elo but your videos sure are helping.

    Nice video .can you make a video where you compare capablanca and magnus carlsen endgame

    The time Magnus had left after each game is the most impressive

    I Want to see Gotham play a game of chess where the pawns are on the 4 and 5 rows and the back rank peaces are on the 2 and 8 ranks.(2 and 4 for white, and 5 and 8 for black)

    last time I saw 3 Fs was in your report card. say it so easily roasting me😂

    19:33 "last time i saw three f's were on your report card" levy is burning us beyond recognition 💀

    Some of the moves are just rubbish 😂

    GM – GrandMaster
    FM -?

    PR Front? You can call it that, I call it Stan.

    Magnus defeats Magnus. It took one blunder for 11 wins.

    I had a 12 game win streak… at 600

    bro the family guy consuela joke had me dead lmfao

    Congratulations to Levy for joining PSG and playing alongside Mbappe and Neymar as a replacement for Messi.

    “This looks like Magnus is disrespecting his opponent; he is…”

    You can't really build suspense about a game if you've already told us the results…'is magnus going to win…can he win…' Uhh…we already know he did.

    bruh that consuela joke was fire also, i cant believe u @'d half the population about going 11-0

    i haven't watched one of your videos in a while, why are you in a box?

    To say he isn’t the best that’s ever lived, blows my mind. Guy just plays random openings and crushes GM’s. So sick.

    NY Man does chess videos from the UK. Must be nice!

    hey levy, i got a 89.9% accuracy in a game of chess, also im 700 elo, hope your proud of me 🙂

    What's most impressive to me is Magnus' time management. Hikaru is the only one that kept up with him on time, all the other games Magnus had like 1 min more than his opponent.

    Am I a meanie for loving it when Magnus crushes Hikaru?

    Waste of a video….. Only fanboys care. Do sn actual chess video thats worth it

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