Magnus Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins

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%1$ Comments424

    Levi being upset he isn't some hot sisters that gets to hangout with mangus

    gothamchess i got brillant move 2 in a row and i give the queen and push the pawn is a brillant move!!!!! is called the legendary pawn!!!

    It's incredible to be living in the same era as Magnus. This is historic chess!

    magnus only gets like this when aroused, did someone just insult him or something?

    Magnus(2800) destroying 2200 fide rating like .I (1200) destroy 1000 elos

    I'm having win, win, win, win, baked beans, and win

    12:22 you could promote to a bishop and it would be mate in 2

    Not me clicking this video solely becquse it has witcher 3 in its thumbnail

    Magnus really just said "This is the end… but not for me."

    gothams subscriber number is going up like his ancestors in the chimney

    Carlsen sped up a lot in the last years. Some years ago he was more often in time troubles. Nowadays he has often more than 1 min more than his opponents in a 3min game

    Magnus doing side quest vs a field of grandmasters that’s why we love him

    I was NOT expecting a Consuelo imitation in this video. Well done, caught me off guard.

    Oh no Levy, decimated means reduced by one tenth. Oh well, slip of the tongue, no big.

    Levy – Forget about ratings and start OTB competition – for real. You know you want to! 😊

    I’m guessing gogieff is a street fighter fan is a fan of zangief, or gief for short.

    Is it just me, or does the Thumbnail look like something out of Game of Thrones, LotR/The Hobbit series, or similar fantasy?

    Magnus Carlsen is 30% genius and 70% hair!

    “Last time I’ve seen three Fs was on your report card” 😂

    Actually I sit while I pee like a responsible adult so I’m at least 1,000-0 in urinating correctly

    Are we sure Levy is okay? At the rate his room is decreasing, he might be recording from a cupboard for the next video.

    "Last time I've seen 3 Fs, is on your report card"
    Levy the strict teacher

    Drinking game: Take a shot every time Levy says, "it's just a matter of time."

    Magnus literally nerfs himself for his opponent.😭GENTLEMENT

    me with 11 winstrakes in MLBB ranked mythical 😎

    Levy stop it with the cringy Ben Finegold audience put downs. It was cringy and lame when he did it, it's even cringier and pathetic when you do it. Be yourself.

    Im convinced your channel is Magnus Propaganda

    make your max engine depth 99 not 20 please its hurting me

    Well if you beat Magnus he will throw a crybaby fit and try to destroy your career so it is in everyone's best interest to just get it over with

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