Magnus Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins, Wins

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%1$ Comments424

    It's official, chess tournaments are Magnus's playground

    Бенедикт Комбервельч says:

    Am I the only one to notice Magnus haven't played h3 or a6 against Ukrainian players? Like, yeah, he still get to disrespect every of his opponents, but just not in this way.

    Haven’t seen a performance like this in titled Tuesday since like 2016 with the real Magnus.

    According to the title i think magnus won

    First time commenting here.. Levi can I just take a moment to say big respect for bringing your recording equipment all the way to another continent so you can share your passion with us 🙏🏻

    Love that the immediate counter to the Dark Pawn Jutsu is the immediate development of the White Pawn Jutsu at 1:58

    He can even promote to a bishop and still winning 😂

    currently I am in a hotel room at new york city while the new yorker levy is in a hotel room outside of nyc

    22 wins in a row is my record, God knows how cause I can't win for crap lately

    Is that a sus anime advertisement

    Plot twist: ads are based on user preferences

    You can say 'absolutely' as many times as you like. I would like to highlight that 'decimated' has a very precise meaning, though. Thanks for the content. Some of my music students do a very good impression of your 'he sacrificed…..the QUEEEENN'

    Props to levy, for staying strong after the lobotomy

    12:12 I think you could ULTIMATE disrespect and promote to a pawn for checkmate, cuz the act of taking is making the mate, not whatever is there.

    Hey levy make another video about Magnus if your being held hostage.

    So… Magnus won 11 games in a row vs supergrandmasters and with Magnus playing bad openings!….. OK got it

    Even with 11 win streak he still lost the titled tuesday

    Surely authorities will by involved in the kidnapping of levy at some point right?

    magnus opening a3 with white, is basically saying "na man, I prefer playing black against you, so you chose, I react"

    I like Euro-long-sleeve Levi, he's studious and read, and mature. That's why he sits with cultured wood planks.

    21:52 Can we talk about how he finished this game triple forking every remaining black piece?

    The king is back
    Is like when messi get injured
    It's only a matter of time he'll be back and when it does it's like magic

    This is the 2nd time I chose to watch a video from him and he's being held hostage 😂

    Bravo on an actual title. And I half expected another lazy title like, Holy Moly! or Yikes! or Whaaa?

    Peak Elevening in this video. Eleven Matches, eleven wins, 119k views, 11k thumbs up, 11 months since Levy has been taken hostage, etc.

    Bro played half of my 500 elo openings 💀☠️

    Magnus is quite possibly the best a human can be at chess without just learning to play exactly like a computer would.

    i love the side quests part lol for real real

    im starting to believe levy is mangus carlsen in disguise will all theese compliments

    And i lost lost lost lost lost lost lost lost lost

    19:34 “The last time I’ve seen 3 Fs is on your report card” LOL. The only thing more tantalising than Magnus’s genius is your commentary Levy.

    19:35 , this shit got personal very quickly, yesterday my result was announced and I got exactly 3 F's 😢

    13:33 Levy is more knowledgable than I'll ever be, but I don't think this was an ugly move as he said. His b paw was hanging and in a couple of moves he transitions one of his knights to defend it allowing him to reactive his rook on the c file. This was how I looked at the position, perhaps I'm wrong tho

    Is the position symmetrical? Or is it symmetric? Seems symmetric to me. :/

    If you look at the game review for game #3 against ChessicallyInclined, Magnus played with 100% accuracy. The engine rates his play at 3800 for the game but still suggests some training for him Lol.

    Mmhmm not covering the women's championship, I see 👀

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