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%1$ Comments352

    Ahhhhh, I beat mittens, it feels not at all cool
    Because I used stockfish for HER AND ONLY HER

    "Dis is a cat – but i got that dawg in me" – Levy 2023

    2:47 is castling not kind of dangerous i his position because white has a lot of things looking at that side?

    Levy, your channel is the one thing keeping me in chess. Don’t stop, you’re awesome.

    I got a draw against it yester day but i think you could of won
    I was acctually plus 2 on it but i also thought that a draw against him is crazy.

    With a rating between 3200-3500, a draw is impressive against mittens!

    Mittens vs Oscar bot I wanna see if mittens destroys the Oscar bots confidence and make it best out of 5

    "We are not the same species. This is a cat, and I got that dog in me" 😂😂

    We want 1 elo mittens vs 10000 elo chatgpt

    Can we ask for Torch vs mittens sire 😌😌

    Happy birthday Levy!!🎂🍫 I learner chess because of you!

    Mittens is my favorite thing to happen to chess in the past year.

    "No one knows for sure what happened, but some will say… that Levy's confidence grew three sizes that day."


    Levy if you like to play against ask Vedal to let you play against Neuro.
    That would be an amazing video 😂

    If you are going to pair it against stockfish, pair it against older versions of stockfish, so that it's a fair fight

    A Gotham subscriber is worth more than the queen but Gotham Chess is is worth more than the King….or is it The rooooooooook

    I am genuinely tweaking looking at this such a good gamee!!

    "This is the best day of my life." Levy, you do know Lucy can watch your videos, right?

    Vid idea:Mittens 3 queens vs martin whole setup

    P.S. just suggesting

    I like it when you farm bots for content and name it with click-bait. You are truly a master promoter, sir! 🙂

    I checked the last game with the engine and found an amazing drawing chance. At 26:42, the only move that draws the game for Gotham on move 29 is Bd3, which is defended by black 3 times. This creates a checkmate threat and after 29… Rdc4 30. a3 Bf8 31. Kxf1 Rd4 32. Qa8 Rcxd3 33. Be7 (threatening checkmate), Mittens is forced to perpetually check and make a draw.

    Wow actually impressive draw congrats levy 🎉❤

    Youtube drunk again😮

    Happy birthday, Gotham Chess. By the way. Nice to meet you on YouTube.

    Hey, Vaishali Rameshbabu became a GM the other day! Now she and Prag are the first brother and sister GM's ever! I'd love to see you talking about this storyline!

    Ladies and gentlemen? How dare you Im a worm!!!!!

    m just looking for the pin of shame🙃

    Mittens is back.
    A draw is just the beginning of defeating mittens. I shall wait for the day Mittens gets destroyed by a real human in challenge mode

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