My 5 Most Brilliant Chess Moves

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My 5 Most Brilliant Moves

0:00 Intro
0:53 Brilliant Move 1
6:30 Brilliant Moves 2
10:15 Brilliant Move 3
16:46 Brilliant Move 4

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%1$ Comments552

    5:35, slightly more accurate? there is a difference of 6 points between those two move levy. Why levy why?

    At 3:32, white is +6.0 , White surely was afraid of somthing 🤣😂
    edit, at 4:17, because white played Ke2 eval dropped. Not because rxf6. Levy Why? 😂

    'In general, the king is better when he's naked.'… God I wish i used this in my history classes back in high school. 😀

    hi levy all good, so you can show the floripa chess open tournament is a brazilian tournament that has already happened but has some interesting matches please see

    Worth the like just for the massive effort to find them lol

    Man youre the best chess personality on youtube but the ads are out of control. getting ads every 2 minutes, gotta stop


    I created the RCGAMBIT 20 years ago , Just bringing it back now, it starts with a 2 pawn sac.

    Was it really a sacrifice in the 3rd game? 2 pawns and a rook for bishop and knight seems more like a trade.

    “If you can’t last longer than 3 minutes that is a skill you must develop not just for chess.” 6th best brilliant move

    Game 5 is the basically how we play chess, we think he had a gm sacrifice into a checkmate while we could have gotten a checkmate in 1

    I thought you will say your best move was starting YouTube channel or marrying Lucy 🙂

    When you have mate in 1, look for something better. -Bobby Fischer -Michael Scott

    I agree about seeing mistakes titled players make. It gives me confidence that, say, people rated 2000 can be open for blunders. Also sometimes learning a tactical pattern a 2200+ player missed but that seems intuitive to me is a confidence booster. It gives me an idea of what I can maybe focus on.

    This was more entertaining than guess the elo

    dude the last one was absolutely ridiculous. like you'd see up till the last knight check but then i was like shit i cant mate cuz then he just takes my knight. taking the pawn with check and then mating is just absolute brilliance. rlly great stuff. pls post more of these

    Bro could you show the no. Of lines on the brilliancy next time like with the eval bar plz?

    You're absolutely a Brilliant player and a Brilliant person. I consider you Friend, even though we'll probably not meet before the Promised Land. Thanks for being awesome, Levi!

    lesson learned: sacrifice rook and message gg to assert dominance

    The final game The sequence I foresaw was B a3 but when you played otherwise I thought I was wrong but turns out i'm the genius

    The only game I had a brilliant on, my opponent had it as well

    Can't Wait For Levy's Best Blunders

    I want to see a game of mis calculation like you get exited to do the series of attack but you didn't see the move that can hold the position of your opponent

    You should do a video where you take viewers brilliant moves

    Another brilliant move : levy marriage lucy

    What about that huge scholarship you announced before a while levy

    how does he make half an hour video on 5 brilliant moves? this man is on metaverse .

    I thought your best move was to get married.

    In game 3 that bishop sac is actually a fairly common idea, and most players above 1400 see it as natural. That being said, these were fun games, I like how this is a positive spin on how much you usually show us things like your worst blunders. Maybe it’s part of a sports health program and maybe not but I like the positive vibes!

    16:10 Thanks guy! This is my favorite video you’ve posted in a while… You look pumped!

    I just played a game yesterday and got a brilliant what a coincidence

    "if you cant last more then 3 minutes you gotta develop that skill for life not just for chess" dont think anyone caught that but thts funny as fuck love you levy edit-nvm i saw someone did my bad

    love this video cause its really nice to calculate it yourself and find the ideas

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